
VFI News Hamas Needs Women, Children, and the Elderly to Sacrifice for Their Cause, Terrorists’ Main Base Is Under the Biggest Hospital in Gaza

Hamas is Under a Curse | VFI News

Dear readers, amid the devastating turmoil in Israel, we continually pray for the welfare of all innocent citizens - Israelis, Jews, and Gazans. May the Lord keep them safe and bring an end to the war by delivering the terrorists who have started it to justice.

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Hamas Leader: ‘Women, Children, Elderly’ Must Die in Gaza to Help Our Fight Against Israel

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called for Palestinian civilians to die in Israel’s strikes against Hamas terrorists inside of Gaza. The remarks come as Hamas commits war crimes by using civilians as human shields and lies about events that have unfolded during the three-week war, including its false claims that Israel bombed a hospital.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) captured remarks that Haniyeh made during an address on Thursday, October 26, in which he falsely claimed Israel was committing a “new holocaust” against the Palestinians inside Gaza.

“This brutal aggression must stop. This new holocaust must stop. I have said this before, and I say it time again: The blood of the women, children, and elderly… I am not saying that this blood is calling for your [help],” he said. “We are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens within us resolve, so it awakens within us the spirit of challenge, and [pushes us] to move forward.”

Israel’s strikes come after Hamas terrorists massacred more than 1,400 Israelis, wounded at least 5,400, and took 239 hostages during the unprecedented attack on October 7. Children were beheaded, babies burned alive, and women raped so violently that their dead bodies were discovered to have broken pelvises. (DW / VFI News)

“God, we ask for Your comforting hand during this tormenting period. We pray for peace and we ask that You spread Your protection over every citizen residing in Israel. We pray for the families of the people who have been murdered and kidnapped and we pray that You comfort them and bring an end to their suffering. We pray that the war will end quickly and for the elimination of all terrorists who have wreaked havoc in our country.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Hamas’s Main Operations Base Is Under Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Says IDF

The Israel Defense Forces on Friday, October 27, said the Hamas terror group’s main base of operations is under the largest hospital in Gaza City, the Al-Shifa Hospital, providing visuals and intercepted audio as evidence of the terror organization’s activities.

In a briefing for reporters of international media outlets, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Hamas has several underground complexes under Shifa that are used by the terror group’s leaders to direct attacks against Israel.

Hagari said Israel has intelligence that there are several tunnels leading to the underground base from outside the hospital so that Hamas officials do not need to enter the hospital to reach it. But Hagari added that there is also an entrance to the underground complex from within one of the wards.

“Right now, terrorists move freely in Shifa Hospital, and other hospitals in Gaza,” Hagari said. The hospital’s energy infrastructure is also used by Hamas’s underground base, Hagari said, accusing the terror group of using the hospital and its occupants — with 1,500 beds and some 4,000 staff — as human shields.

The information on Hamas’s use of the hospital is based on a wide range of intelligence sources collected by the Military Intelligence Directorate and Shin Bet security agency. (TOI / VFI News)

“The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable— how much more so when brought with evil intent!” - Proverbs 21:27

Arab, Western Officials Agree that Hamas Is Keeping Gaza Food, Fuel for Itself

Arab and Western officials told American media over the weekend that Hamas is stockpiling food and fuel in the Gaza Strip, keeping it from residents who are in desperate need. The comments back up similar Israeli assertions.

The officials told the news outlet on Friday, October 27, that the terror group has amassed stores in its vast network of tunnels. The unnamed sources said Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel, which it is using to power rockets, vehicles, and other military uses, as well as stockpiles of water, medicine, and food.

A senior Lebanese official told the newspaper that Hamas has enough supplies for the terror group to sustain fighting for three to four months without a need for resupply.

In another conversation aired by the military, a senior Gazan energy official reveals that Hamas currently has at least a million liters of gasoline and possibly more, which it stole from civilian projects and is currently hoarding to power its tunnel networks.

Israel has barred the entry of fuel into Gaza after imposing a complete blockade on the coastal enclave in the early hours of the war. However, several aid convoys of food, water, and medical equipment have been allowed in via Egypt. (TOI / VFI News)

“God, we ask that the needs of innocent Gazan citizens would be met and that You would protect them from being exploited by Hamas terrorists. We pray for a quick resolution and an end to the war so that all citizens can fully restore their lives and heal their physical and psychological wounds. May this be the last time a terrorist organization harms innocent citizens in Israel.”

Gazans Plunder UNRWA Food Supplies As ‘Civil Order’ Breaks Down in War-Torn Strip

The United Nations warned Sunday, October 29, that “civil order” was starting to collapse in Gaza after thousands of people ransacked its food warehouses in the war-torn Palestinian enclave. The UN Relief Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) said wheat, flour, and other supplies had been pillaged at several warehouses.

“This is a worrying sign that civil order is starting to break down after three weeks of war and a tight siege,” said UNRWA’s Gaza chief Thomas White.

One of the warehouses in the central town of Deir el-Balah had been used to store supplies from humanitarian convoys that began crossing into Gaza from Egypt on October 21. “Thousands of people broke into several UNRWA warehouses and distribution centers in the middle and southern areas of the Gaza Strip, taking wheat flour and other basic survival items like hygiene supplies,” UNRWA said.

Israel originally imposed a total blockade on food, water, medicine, and fuel deliveries into Gaza, but later allowed humanitarian aid convoys, not including fuel, to bring supplies in from Egypt. It has also resumed some of its water supply; the second of three water pipelines that provide water to the Gaza Strip has been reopened, allowing for a total of 28.5 million liters a day to flow into the Hamas-run territory from Israel.

Further, since then, UNRWA says 84 aid trucks have crossed into Gaza but aid agencies say the numbers are far too low. Before the conflict, UN figures showed an average of 500 trucks a day entering Gaza. (TOI / VFI News)

“You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked.” - Psalm 12:7

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Navy Seal, Combat Medic Congressman Shaken After Visit to Israel Slaughter Sites: ‘ISIS Times 1,000’

A former Navy Seal and combat medic-turned-congressman says the aftermath of Hamas’ slaughter of Israeli civilians on October 7 was the most horrific and barbaric sight he ever encountered.

“This is ISIS times 1,000,” Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.), who toured Israel last week, told American media, referring to the jihadists known for beheading hostages. Van Orden served 26 years in the Navy, 22 of those as a Navy Seal, including five combat deployments.

“I can speak with authority. I’ve done multiple combat tours. People were slaughtered at a level not seen since the Holocaust,” he said of the attack on Israel, which killed at least 1,400 people, many civilians.

“These Hamas terrorists — these savages, these beasts — they specifically targeted children. They were told to cut people’s arms and legs off … It’s gut-wrenching,” Van Orden said. “People are trying to legitimize this.”

During his visit, the congressman also helped prepare sandwiches for children and soldiers, donated blood, and visited a wounded Israeli warrior. Aside from helping Israel wipe out Hamas, Van Orden, a member of the House Agricultural and Veterans committees, said he will push to provide food aid to Israel. (NYP / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for sending us well–intentioned leaders who are willing to assist Israel in its time of need and take a public stance to stand with Israel. We are humbly grateful for You, our numerous allies, as well as our soldiers who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the security of our people.”

Czech Defense Minister: Our Country Should Leave UN Over Response to Hamas

Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová strongly condemned the United Nations for its response to the Hamas-started war against Israel and called for the Czech Republic to withdraw from the UN after the General Assembly passed a resolution calling on Israel to end its retaliation against Hamas so that the terrorist organization would remain in power after it massacred over 1,400 Israelis on October 7.

“Exactly three weeks ago, Hamas murdered more than 1,400 Israelis, which is more victims per their population than the militant Islamist organization al-Qaeda murdered on 9/11/2001 in the USA. And only 14 countries, including ours, stood up against the unprecedented terrorist attack committed by Hamas terrorists, clearly and comprehensible!” Černochová said.

“I am ashamed of the UN. In my opinion - the Czech Republic has nothing to expect in an organization that supports terrorists and does not respect the basic right to self-defense. Let's get out,” she added.

Last week, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, spoke before the General Assembly and said that “thousands of Hamas mortars and rockets were fired indiscriminately, and barbaric and cruel Hamas terrorists invaded Israel with the aim of savagely murdering every living being they come across. It was a well-planned, deliberate attack by Nazi killers who slaughtered people in their beds.”

In addition, he said: “Twenty days have passed and Israel is still counting its dead. It took weeks to collect all the bodies. Some bodies were burned like pieces of coal - it is almost impossible to identify them. Yet this resolution does not even name Hamas, as if this war started on its own.” (INN / VFI News)

“You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth.” - Psalm 52:3

Thousands of Military Reservists from NYC Rushed to Israel to Fight Hamas

Thousands of Israeli military reservists and former soldiers living in New York City have packed up their bags to join the fight against terrorists intent on wiping the Jewish state off the map. More than 3,000 IDF reservists have been called up from across the United States to fight for Israel, with 2,000 alone coming from New York, according to Itay Milner, a spokesman for the Israeli consulate in New York.

Three days after Hamas slaughtered more than 1,400 people in Israel, Ariel Nurieli didn’t think twice about ditching his math and computer science coursework at Columbia University to reenlist in the Israeli Defense Forces.

“People say, ‘Wow you left everything behind’... but if we don’t do this there won’t be anything to come back to,” Nurieli, 25, told American media from the frontlines of Israel’s northern region. “We have to make sure there’s a place that will always welcome the Jewish people, no matter what,” he said.

“There’s no doubt that being in New York, it was like being in a war without a weapon on you,” said Lihi, a 24-year-old Columbia student, IDF reservist, and native of Tel Aviv.

Lihi, who is stationed at Israel’s northern border as the operations head for an elite commander unit, said she ironically feels “the most secure” on the front lines, having been chased on New York City streets for speaking her native Hebrew to her mother and attacked for posting signs of civilians kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

The antisemitic atmosphere permeating her campus and the city “was the trigger to be back home,” she said, adding many of her Columbia friends today are scared to leave their apartments and are even suffering panic attacks. (NYP / VFI News)

“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” - 1 Corinthians 13:6-7

NYC Street Vendors Cheer Hamas Terrorism on Israel: ‘Leave Our Land’

Their views are hard to swallow. New York City’s omnipresent halal and other street vendors expressed near universal support for Hamas with many telling American media that the terror group’s October 7 attack in Israel which killed more than 1,400 people was justified.

“I am Muslim. I am Egyptian. We support Gaza,” declared a Columbus Circle vendor who would only provide his first name, Ahmed. “Hamas no attacks Israel. Hamas defends herself. Hamas is self-defense, to protect Islam,” he continued. “Leave our land. No place to Jewish. Israel must leave.”

When asked if Hamas’ attacks in Israel were a “good thing” — Ahmed responded yes. “I support Palestine and Hamas army is Palestine and she defend her land. Our land.” Times Square vendor Mahmahoud El-Ser, 25, similarly said: “I am so so sorry for Gaza and the people of Gaza. F–k terrorism of Israel. Inshallah one day Gaza is free.”

About 57% of American Muslims said they believed Hamas “was justified in attacking Israel as part of their struggle for a Palestinian state,” according to a survey from Cygnal.

Meanwhile, hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters forced the temporary closure of Grand Central Terminal during the Friday evening rush, on October 27, as they staged a massive sit-in inside the station’s concourse — leading to dozens of arrests. (NYP / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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