
VFI News Hamas Threatens Israel, Iran Bars Third of UN Inspectors from Its Nuclear Sites

Hamas Threatens Israel, Iran Bars Third of UN Inspectors from Its Nuclear Sites

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Hamas Threatens Israel, Iran Bars Third of UN Inspectors from Its Nuclear Sites

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Hamas Issues Terror Threat to Israel: 'We Will Return to the Intifada'

Saleh al-Arouri, Deputy Head of Hamas' political bureau, met in Beirut on Saturday, September 16, with a delegation from the leadership of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - led by its Deputy Secretary-General, Jamil Mazhar.

The two called on Hamas and the Popular Front to escalate their opposition against Israel. The two factions also called on the Palestinian Authority leadership to "return to the intifada to achieve national unity and the settlement of the Palestinian home on national and democratic bases."

Both sides reviewed the developments of the two organizations' goals. The meeting also discussed the situation in the Ain al-Hilweh, a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, shortly after the clashes stopped.

They confirmed their support for all parties to stabilize the ceasefire in the area. The two factions emphasized that internal fighting must be prohibited, and the non-use of weapons in resolving conflicts in the Palestinian camps.

Last month, Arouri threatened regional warfare against Israel, to which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Hamas and Iran would pay "full price" for their terrorist attacks against Israel. Arouri also said the Israeli government would "suffer a resounding defeat". (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You protect us from terrorists and that You assist our defense forces in ensuring that terrorist organizations will face justice for their crimes. We trust that our leaders will be able to continually shield our citizens and establish peace in Israel.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

16 Tons of Rocket-making Material on Way to Gaza Discovered in Ashdod

It has been cleared for publication that in July 2023, the Customs Authority in Ashdod inspected two 54-ton containers that were said to be carrying plaster and were en route from Turkey to the Gaza Strip.

During the inspection, the customs inspectors began to suspect that some of the materials in the containers were not plaster.

The materials were taken to a lab inspection, which corroborated the suspicion that the material was ammonium chloride weighing 16 tons, which was being hidden between the sacks of plaster.

Ammonium chloride is a dual-use substance known to be used by terror organizations in Gaza to manufacture rockets that are launched into Israel. (INN / VFI News)

“Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.” - Psalm 21:11

Netanyahu: Iran Is Violating All of Its Nuclear Commitments

Iran is "violating all of its commitments" in its pursuit of nuclear weapons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu charged on Saturday evening, September 16, through the Prime Minister's Office, after it was revealed the Islamic Republic had banned a third of IAEA inspectors assigned to it, hindering its oversight of Tehran's atomic activities.

"Israel is not surprised by Iran's moves, which prove it is continuing to violate all of its commitments to the international community," the PMO statement read.

UN nuclear watchdog chief Rafael Grossi on Saturday condemned Iran's "disproportionate and unprecedented" move to bar multiple inspectors assigned to the country.

Iran's move is a response to a call led by the United States, Britain, France, and Germany at the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors this week for Tehran to cooperate immediately with the IAEA on issues including explaining uranium traces found at undeclared sites.

"This measure, while formally permitted by the NPT Safeguards Agreement, has been exercised by Iran in a manner that affects in a direct and severe way the ability of the IAEA to conduct its inspections effectively in Iran," the IAEA said. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray for peace and prosperity in the Middle East. We ask that Iran not be permitted to execute its nuclear plans nor acquire more power, so a nuclear war can be avoided. We are also grateful that Israel is not being quiet regarding this critical issue, but continues to sound the international alarm and bring awareness to other nations and leaders.”

Britain, France, and Germany to Maintain Sanctions on Iran

London, Paris, and Berlin on Thursday, September 14, said they had agreed to a strategy maintaining nuclear proliferation-related sanctions on Iran beyond an October date that had been set to bring partial respite to Tehran, French media reported.

Under the terms of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) deal, signed between Iran and world powers, some of the sanctions are due to be lifted on October 18. However, in a joint statement from their respective foreign ministries, Britain, France, and Germany on Thursday noted Tehran's "non-compliance" and underlined their commitment to ensure the country does not obtain a nuclear weapons capacity.

The statement said the decision was fully compliant with the JCPOA, given that "Iran has refused opportunities to return to the JCPOA twice and has continued to expand its program beyond JCPOA limitations and without any credible civilian justification," taking its stockpile of enriched uranium to more than 18 times the amount permitted under the deal.

The ministries also stressed their "commitment to finding a diplomatic solution" and added the decision would be reversed if Iran fully implemented its commitments under the deal. (INN / VFI News)

“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” - Proverbs 21:15

WATCH: Terror Survivors Celebrate Bar and Bat Mitzvah

Our team at Vision for Israel helps to facilitate Bar and Bat Mitzvahs for young people who have been affected by terror, poverty, and other extreme circumstances. This is a significant event in their lives, and without our help, they’d be unable to celebrate. Watch the joy and celebration that happened this year, as we brought our newest Bar and Bat Mitzvah participants to Jerusalem for their blessed time.

Mahsa Amini’s Father Detained in Iran on the Anniversary of Her Death in Custody

Iranian security forces detained Mahsa Amini’s father Saturday, September 16, on the first anniversary of the 22-year-old’s death in their custody, which sparked widespread demonstrations across the country, according to reports.

Amjad Amini was arrested as he left his home in western Iran, according to the Norwegian human rights group Hengaw. He was detained for a few hours and warned not to commemorate the anniversary of his daughter’s death. One of Amini’s uncles, Safa Aeli, was also detained in Saqez on September 5 and remains in custody, according to reports.

Security forces were seen patrolling the streets in Tehran and western Iran. Roads to the Aichi cemetery where Mahsa is buried were blocked Saturday and military helicopters hovered overhead. The family said they wanted to hold a traditional religious ceremony and had visited the grave on Friday.

Mahsa Amini was beaten to death after she was arrested by Iranian authorities for not properly wearing a hijab or head covering, in compliance with Iranian law.

On Friday, the US imposed new sanctions against Iran. The U.S. said it was sanctioning 29 people and entities in Iran including members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the head of Iran’s Prisons Organization, and three state-backed media outlets. It also announced visa restrictions on 13 Iranian officials. (NYP / VFI News)

“God, we pray for Mahsa Amini’s family and we hope that You bring them comfort during these harsh times, as well as an end to their suffering. We ask that they will not be prevented from mourning their loss and that the authoritarian regime will have to face the results of their cruelty. Let us pray that no Iranian woman or girl will lose her life due to this regime again.”

Netanyahu Heads to US, Will Meet Biden and Musk

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took off Sunday night, September 17, on his first official trip to the United States since the formation of his government approximately nine months ago.

Following a two-day Rosh Hashanah holiday, Netanyahu and his entourage departed for the airport. The highlight of his visit is anticipated to be his address at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Friday morning Eastern Time.

"I am now leaving for the UN General Assembly where I will represent Israel before the nations of the world," the prime minister said as he boarded the plane. "I will also meet with many world leaders, especially President Biden, with whom I will discuss – first and foremost, but among other topics – Iran and expanding the circle of peace."

During his visit, Netanyahu is expected to hold meetings with several additional international leaders, including German Chancellor Olaf Schulz, Turkish President Recep Erdogan, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, South Korean President Yoon Seok-Yeol, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and others.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this visit is Netanyahu's expected meeting with the unconventional US billionaire Elon Musk, who, among other ventures, owns X (formerly known as Twitter). Netanyahu plans to discuss potential investments in Israeli companies with Musk. (JPost / VFI News)

“Lord, we ask that You bless Netanyahu’s visit to the US. Give him clear words that will speak to and prompt Israel among the nations.”

‘Health, Peace, Prosperity’: From Biden to Zelensky, Leaders Wish Jews Happy New Year

Leaders from around the world offered New Year’s greetings to the Jewish people Friday night, September 15, as they celebrated Rosh Hashanah.

In a missive, US President Joe Biden said, “During this spiritual time of reflection and atonement, we are also uplifted by the hope a new year brings” and “are reminded that it is never too late to change and begin anew. Our actions have the power to shift the balance of our fate, our nation, and our world.”

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wished a good year to Jews in Britain and around the world, saying “British Jews play an integral part in the success of this nation, and I am delighted the vibrant and diverse Jewish faith continues to thrive across the country.”

“Chag Sameach!” declared Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “Shana Tova U’metuka! To Jewish communities across the country: As you celebrate Rosh Hashanah with prayer, the sounds of the shofar, traditional meals, and sweet treats, I’m wishing you a happy New Year.”

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, tweeted, in English, “Shanah Tovah to all Jewish communities in Ukraine and across the world celebrating #RoshHashanah today! Let the new year bring a fresh start and hope for a brighter future,” he said.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also offered their greetings with the former going a bit further and issuing his tweet entirely in Hebrew. (TOI / VFI News)

“Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.” - Psalm 136:3

UNESCO Names Ancient Jericho A World Heritage Site in Palestine

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) named Ancient Jericho (Tel es-Sultan) as a World Heritage site on Sunday, September 17. The vote was initially held at the World Heritage Committee meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, reports say.

UNESCO's website saw the site affiliated with the "State of Palestine," which brought the number of inscribed Palestinian sites to four. Israel quit UNESCO in 2019.

UNESCO had previously designated three other sites in Judea and Samaria as World Heritage sites: the Church of the Nativity, Battir hill landscape of grapevines and olive trees, and the Old Town in Hebron, American media reported. Ancient Jericho is considered one of humanity's oldest-known villages, dating back to 2,600 B.C.

The Israel Foreign Ministry expressed its opposition to this decision and disclosed in a statement that Israel will act against its many friends in the organization to change all the distorted decisions that were made.

Professor Eugene Kontorovich, director of international law at the Jerusalem-based Kohelet Policy Forum, said that the UNESCO decision "ethnically cleanses Jews from the history of ancient Jericho - even as the Jews worldwide were busy celebrating Rosh Hashanah, one of the holiest days of the year."

Shlomo Ne’eman, Mayor of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council stated that “we received additional evidence that the Palestinian Authority continues to fight us using all the means at their disposal, including desperate attempts to involve our history. (JPost / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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