
VFI News Hezbollah Continues to Fire on Israel, Netanyahu Is Determined to Erase Hamas

Ramadan Security Threats in Israel Heightened | Prophetic Convergence

In this latest edition of Prophetic Convergence we dive deep into pressing issues shaping Israel and the Middle East today. Join us as we explore Israel's increased security risks during the month of Ramadan, as well as the continuation of fighting with Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

During Ramadan, historical trends point to increased violence, putting Israeli security forces on high alert in Jerusalem, and throughout Israel. Heightened security in Jerusalem's Old City is also examined due to Muslim worshipers at the Al-Aqsa mosque.

Delve into the Biden administration's stance on Israel and potential political implications, alongside rising instances of anti-Semitism worldwide. We also address global conflicts, natural disasters, and their implications for food security.

Interpret current events through a biblical prophecy lens, exploring end-times scenarios and calls for prayer, fasting, and spiritual readiness. Conclude with a call to action, urging viewers to stay informed, pray for Israel and the world, and align with God's plans.

#ramadan #prophecy #israelnews #jerusalem

Hezbollah Fires Over 100 Rockets on Israel, IDF Hits Terror Drone

Hezbollah fired over 100 rockets at Israel on Tuesday, March 12, while the IDF struck multiple strategic targets of the terror group around 100 kilometers deep into Lebanon, in one of the most tense days of the conflict in the North. Alarms sounded in the Galilee and the Golan Heights.

The first round of rockets contained around 30 rockets, and the second round contained around 70. Rocket crashes were reportedly sighted in open areas near Ein Kuniya, Snir, Sha’ar Yashuv, and Kfar Szold. Hezbollah said it fired these Katyusha rockets in response to Israeli bombardment deep into Lebanon in the Bekaa region Monday night.

A mix of IDF statements, an analysis of the think tank ALMA, and other reports indicate that the IDF struck a Hezbollah drone base and a base where it held long-range rockets. More specifically, the IDF implied that one of the bases it attacked had been the launching point for a drone attack on Israel on Monday.

Security sources said one of the strikes hit the southern entrance of Baalbek, at least two kilometers from ancient Roman ruins. The three others struck near the city of Taraya, 20 kilometers west of Baalbek.

Meanwhile, hours after the heaviest rocket barrages from Lebanon into Israeli territory since the beginning of the war, the IDF published an interim summary of the damage to Hezbollah in the last five months, and the map of the targets attacked as a kind of additional message to the Shiite terrorist organization, noting that about 4,500 targets have been attacked since the beginning of the war. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray that a war with Hezbollah will be avoided and that peace will be established on our land. We pray for the protection and the safety of our citizens, and prosperity after the war ends. May You bring back our hostages and ensure the end of this devastating, long-lasting war. We thank You for Your Mercy and everything You provide us with, as well as the ability to protect ourselves with which You have equipped us.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Netanyahu: 'We Can't Leave a Quarter of the Hamas Terror Army in Place'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to US President Joe Biden’s statements that a military operation in Rafah is a “red line.” “The President and I have agreed that we have to destroy Hamas,” Netanyahu told American media.

“We can’t leave a quarter of the Hamas terror army in place. They’re there, in Rafah. This would be equivalent to saying that after the Allies fought back, gone through Normandy, went through Germany and you’d say, ‘Well we’ll leave a quarter of the Nazi army in place and we won’t go into Berlin, the last stronghold.”

He added that if Biden meant to say that Israel should enable the safe departure of the civilian population from Rafah before going in, then, “We agree with that, we don’t need any prompting.” Biden also “says that he agrees that we have to destroy Hamas as a fighting organization, that’s what we intend to do,” Netanyahu explained.

“We can’t have three-quarters of a victory … because Hamas will reconstitute itself with these four battalions in Rafah, reconquer the Gaza Strip, and do the October 7 massacre over and over again.”

MK Danny Danon, chairman of World Likud, also spoke to Israeli media about the necessity of a military operation in Rafah. “We started very strong but now we are pausing, I think it is about time to go into Rafah, move the population to different areas, and finish the job with Hamas,” he said. (INN / VFI News)

“He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the shields with fire.” - Psalm 46:9

Hamas Executes Gazan Clan Leader Accused of Ties with Israel

The mukhtar of the Doghmush clan in northern Gaza has been executed by Hamas terrorists after it was claimed he collaborated with Israel to distribute humanitarian aid in Gaza. The execution was carried out at Hamas’s court.

The Doghmush clan possesses a lot of munitions and controls the northern Gaza Strip with its armed gangs. Recently it was reported that the IDF is considering using the armed clans to prevent Hamas terrorists from commandeering the humanitarian aid.

Gaza businessmen and ministers often use the armed Doghmush clansmen for security. The clan was often involved in violent and deadly clashes with Hamas security forces and its members participated in the abduction of Gilad Shalit in 2008. (INN / VFI News)

“Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.” - Psalm 73:6

'Ceasefire' Pin Symbol Is the Bloody Hand of a Lynched Jew Torn Limb from Limb and Cannibalized

“The ‘ceasefire’ pins worn by celebs at the Oscars are a symbol of Palestinian terrorism straight out of a terror event in which Palestinians got hold of Jews, killed them, ripped out organs, and proudly showed off the Jewish blood on their hands to the cheering crowd,” wrote Marina Medvin on X.

More specifically, on October 12, 2000, IDF reservists Vadim Norzhich and Yosef Avrahami were lynched by a Palestinian mob while detained at the el-Bireh police station in Ramallah, after accidentally entering the Palestinian Authority (PA) controlled city.

Marking what would become the onset of the more violent Second Intifada following the collapse in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David in July, the events of October 2000 became among the most brutal in the history of relations between the two peoples. The Ramallah lynching itself also became one of the first mass-publicized incidences of political violence in the Internet age.

The detention of the two reservists incidentally came at the same time as a funeral service of a Palestinian youth who had been killed by Israeli forces a few days earlier. Likewise, over 100 Palestinians had been killed in violent confrontations with Israeli security forces in the weeks prior.

According to accounts, rumors spread that Israeli undercover agents were being detained at the police station, prompting a crowd of over 1,000 to gather calling for their deaths. The IDF reservists were murdered by the crowd via beatings and stabbings, with one Italian news outlet later capturing the infamous photo of Aziz Salha raising his blood-soaked hands to the cheering crowd.

The reservists’ bodies were then thrown out the window, mutilated, and set on fire. The bodies were then dragged to Al-Manara Square in the city center. PA security forces, aware of the seriousness, attempted to confiscate the film showing the events. (GR / VFI News)

“Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands.” - Isaiah 59:6

WATCH: Parashat Pekudei - Bible Teaching with Batya Segal

In this week’s parashah video, Batya covers Parashat Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38). This topic is all about Moses’s obedience to the Lord and encompasses all he has done to serve God and build a tabernacle. The Tabernacle is completed, and God’s presence there will guide the people of Israel as they worship and pray in the Tabernacle that Moses built. These verses remind us of the reward that comes from being obedient to the Lord. Though we may not always understand at the moment, God has a plan for us and always knows best.

Six Trucks that Israel Let into North Gaza Looted

Israeli media reported that while the trucks successfully crossed into Gaza, a short time after they began moving toward the shelters erected by the UN, they were looted and never reached their destination.

Israel intends to continue letting humanitarian aid into the northern Gaza Strip and it is predicted that the trucks will be looted in the future as well.

The trucks crossed the border near Kibbutz Be’eri and traveled on the road that the IDF built, traversing Gaza widthwise, instead of traveling from south to north.

The IDF recently finished dividing the Gaza Strip into north and south by paving a road from east to west, starting near Kibbutz Be’eri and ending at the shore. (INN / VFI News)

“Lord, we pray that You keep providing for the innocent children in Gaza and that the aid trucks intended for the civilians will reach their destination and not fall into the hands of the terrorists. We pray for a permanent end of the war that will allow everyone residing in our country to live in peace, with dignity and the ability to sustain themselves.”

Thousands Protest for Hostages Release, Conscription of Ultra-Orthodox

Thousands in Israel have taken to the streets in two separate protests, one demanding an immediate release of hostages from Gaza and another calling for drafting ultra-Orthodox Jewish men into the military.

The protests are public displays of growing divisions in Israeli society and politics five months into the Gaza war. Protesters calling for the release of hostages marched from a Tel Aviv square carrying enlarged images of women held in Gaza, briefly blocking the highway at one point.

In the other rally, Israelis protested against Netanyahu’s coalition government, demanding an end to the exemption of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men from compulsory military service. Some 10,000 people participated in the demonstration, also held in Tel Aviv.

The Supreme Court in 2018 voided a law waiving the draft for ultra-Orthodox men, citing a need for the burden of military service to be shared across Israeli society. The Knesset failed to come up with a new arrangement, and a government-issued stay on mandatory conscription of ultra-Orthodox expires in March. (TOI / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we pray for the quick release of all the remaining hostages. May Your protective Hand keep them from physical and psychological harm and may they be returned to us shortly. We also pray for a united front, an end to the divisions that plague our nation, as well as for capable leaders who have our people’s best interests at heart.”

Jewish Man Carrying Israeli Flag Brutally Assaulted in Chicago

A Jewish man carrying an Israeli flag was assaulted on Monday evening, March 11, in Chicago, as he walked to a screening of “Nova,” a documentary about the October 7 Hamas massacre at the Nova Music Festival.

The man, who did not wish to be identified, told the media: “I did not say anything to anyone, as we walked up I did not look at anyone, I did not give anyone the finger, I simply walked up holding an Israeli flag.”

One protester tried to yank the flag from his hand and he was attacked by several protesters. According to him, the group threw him into a parked car and started punching him in the head. “I think it is disgusting you cannot walk down the street Jewish in 2024,” the victim, who was thankfully not seriously injured, remarked.

A few dozen mask-wearing protesters blocked the entry to the Logan Theatre on Monday night where the documentary was being presented by the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The protesters, who used megaphones and carried signs, also spilled into the theatre’s lobby.

Of late, Chicago has seen several instances of anti-Israel protests and incidents. Last Saturday, Jewish singer Matisyahu abruptly announced that he was canceling his scheduled show at the House of Blues in Chicago, only a few hours before the concert, due to fears of protesters trying to break in and disrupt the performance. (INN / VFI News)

“Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal.” - Psalm 69:4

Floyd Mayweather Receives Champion for Israel Award

In a ceremony on the roof of the Dan Family Aish World Center in Jerusalem on Monday night, March 11, renowned boxer Floyd Mayweather was presented with the Champion For Israel Award for his advocacy against hate and antisemitism and his support for Israel.

The ceremony was one of Mayweather’s first stops on his itinerary during his current trip to Israel which is aimed at further strengthening his connection with the country and its people.

During the visit, Mayweather, who was dressed wearing a hat and necklace each with a Star of David, met with students currently studying at Aish and joined them in celebrating the Jewish month of Adar, and even sang some songs in Hebrew, surprising the crowd who responded with exuberant cheers.

Mayweather expressed his excitement during the visit, stating, “Aish has welcomed me and my team in Jerusalem before, and it is very exciting to be back. This place is amazing. Everyone should come and visit here.” The boxing champion had previously visited Aish in November 2022.

Mayweather’s visit to Israel comes at a time when antisemitism is on the rise, particularly in the United States. When asked about his thoughts on this concerning trend, the boxing champion shared a powerful message of positivity and proactivity.

“Everybody needs to stay positive and think positive and be proactive in a respectful manner, no matter what. Use your voice, and all means available to stand up for what’s right and stand up against hate,” Mayweather responded. (INN / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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