
VFI News IDF Eliminates Several Hamas Commanders, Terrorists Took ISIS Drug to Slaughter Israelis

IDF Eliminates Several Hamas Commanders, Terrorists Took ISIS Drug to Slaughter Israelis

Dear readers, while the war in Israel persists, we continue to pray for all of you who have been affected by it. We hope that a resolution will appear soon and that Israelis will be allowed to restore their lives and country however they see fit. Let us all pray for our soldiers who are facing the terrorists head-on and ask the Lord to grant them quick success, as well as security in the field of action.

IDF Takes out Hamas Tunnel to Coastline

Since Monday, October 23, the IDF has struck over 400 terror targets and killed several Hamas commanders and numerous operatives preparing attacks. In a widescale operation to dismantle Hamas' terrorist capabilities, the IDF struck dozens of Hamas gunmen preparing to fire rockets and carry out terror attacks.

IDF fighter jets struck dozens of terror infrastructure and Hamas staging grounds in the neighborhoods of Shuja'iyya, Shati, Jabalia, Daraj Tuffah, and Zaytun. In addition, an IDF aircraft struck a Hamas operational tunnel shaft which gave terror operatives quick access to the coastline.

Further, overnight, IDF aircraft struck command centers used by Hamas operatives and staging grounds located in mosques used by Hamas. The deputy commanders of the Nuseirat, Shati, and Furqan battalions were killed in the strike. Since the beginning of the war with Hamas, the IDF, directed by the Shin Bet, has eliminated five commanders of the Hamas Aerial Array and a surface-to-air missile launching cell.

The Hamas Aerial Array operates a variety of weapons against the State of Israel. The array took a significant part in the attack against Israel at the start of the war, and in recent days the IAF has eliminated several commanders in the array.

The commanders of the array who were eliminated are Murad Abu Murad - Commander of the Hamas Aerial Array in Gaza City, Moed' Abdel Rahman - Head of Hamas Training Portfolio in Gaza City, Othman Hamdan - Aerial Defense Officer of Hamas’ Zabra Tel Elhua Battalion, Machud El Rifi - Hamas Weapons Supply Manager in Gaza City and Essan Shalouf - Head of Training for the Hamas Aerial Defense Array in northern Gaza. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You bring a quick end to the war in Israel. We thank You for allowing our defense forces to eliminate known terrorists and we pray that they will be equally successful with the entire organization as well. We hope that Israel will be a safer country without terrorists operating against it.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

This Is the Drug Hamas Terrorists Took to Help Them Slaughter Israelis

Hamas terrorists who carried out the unprecedented attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Israeli media.

The pills were recovered from the pockets of many terrorists who lost their lives on Israeli soil. This stimulant drug, also known as the “cocaine for the poor,” allowed the terrorists to commit heinous acts with a sense of calmness and indifference. Simultaneously, it kept them highly alert for extended periods and suppressed their appetite.

Captagon gained notoriety in 2015 when it was discovered to be used by ISIS fighters to suppress fear prior to carrying out terrorist operations. As the influence of terrorist organizations like ISIS diminished, Lebanon and Syria took the reins and began producing and distributing the drug on a large scale.

Gaza, in particular, became a popular market for the drug, especially among addicted young individuals. Its primary effects include arousing feelings of euphoria, reducing the need for sleep, suppressing appetite, and providing sustained energy.

Once a source of revenue for ISIS members through drug smuggling, Captagon has now become a major source of income for Syria and is actively supported by Hezbollah. The profits generated from the drug trade in Syria exceed those gained from legitimate exports. (JPost / VFI News)

“Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked.” - Proverbs 3:25

The Terrorists' Confessions: We Beheaded People, Set Fire to Houses with People Inside

The Shin Bet and Israel Police published a joint statement Monday, October 23, summarizing the results of the investigation so far into the Hamas massacre of over 1,400 people in southern Israel on October 7, Simchat Torah.

The investigation revealed how Hamas encouraged the murder of men, women, and children of all ages, as well as the taking of hostages back to Gaza. From the interrogation of six terrorists who were captured in the wake of the massacre, it was discovered that Hamas offered significant financial incentives to anyone who successfully kidnapped an Israeli, with abductors promised $10,000 and a free apartment.

The detainees also stated that “the instructions were to kidnap elderly women and children,” and “to clear the houses, and kidnap as many prisoners as possible.” Meanwhile, the senior commanders of Hamas hid in bunkers in Gaza while sending their men to kill, be killed, or be captured in Israel.

One detainee described how he shot a dog in one of his victims' houses. Another described how he and his fellow terrorists grabbed a 15-year-old girl from her home and took a selfie with their captive before putting her on a motorcycle to Gaza. One detainee said: “There was a body lying on the floor, I shot her. The commander shouted at me why I was wasting bullets on her body. We finished killing and then before we finished we burned down two houses with their occupants inside.” (INN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You bring comfort and peace to the families who have lost their loving members during the vicious terrorist attacks since October 7. We offer our sincerest condolences to them and acknowledge that their pain from the unimaginable losses will persist for a long time. We just pray that they will be able to restore their lives and honor the memories of the deceased dearly for the years to come.”

Iran Cuts Military Service, Warns Israel and US of Escalation

Iran on Sunday, October 22, warned Israel and the US of a regional escalation, while cutting its military conscription.

Iran-backed proxies have increased their attacks across the region; in Iraq and Syria, Iranian proxy groups attacked US forces a number of times over the last week, while Hezbollah increased its own attacks on Israel’s northern border in the last several days, and Iran-backed Houthis launched drones and cruise missiles over the Red Sea, intercepted by a US warship.

Iran has issued multiple threats against Israel during the last two weeks; for instance, a British renowned news outlet noted that “the war in the Middle East could expand in unpredictable and dangerous ways if Israel further increases its attacks on Gaza,” citing a senior diplomat in the UK.

Further, on October 15, Iran warned of an escalation. British media reported at the time that “Iran warned Israel of escalation if it failed to end aggressions against Palestinians, with its foreign minister saying other parties in the region were ready to act.”

However, according to Iranian media, Iran on Sunday cut the military service for conscripts by three months. The revised service duration will be determined based on the specific service location and the nature of the assigned missions and “will range from a minimum of 14 months up to a maximum of 21 months in service duration.”

Iran’s constant warnings stand in contrast to its apparent posture at home. Reducing military service doesn’t really broadcast a message of concern about a major conflict. Iran prefers to use its proxies, but it does not seem to believe the conflict will hit home. (JPost / VFI News)

“I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword, and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them.” - Leviticus 26:36

WATCH: Critical Aid: Supporting Needy Families in the South | Vision for Israel

Join us as we join together in unity to provide essential food parcels and necessities to families in the South, just as Psalm 133:1 tells us. Visit our website, visionforisrael.com, to learn more about our mission and how you can partner with us to make a positive impact. Together, we can help solve the dire needs of the Israeli community.

Freed Israeli Hostage Speaks Out About Terrifying Hamas Capture, Describes 'Spiderweb' of Tunnels

One of the two Israeli hostages released Monday, October 23, by Hamas, is now speaking out about her time as a captive of the Palestinian terrorist group, describing a “spiderweb” of tunnels underneath the Gaza Strip where she was fed only one meal of cheese and cucumber per day.

Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, was taken from Israel on October 7 alongside her 83-year-old husband Oded, who still remains held inside the Gaza Strip, and was released with Nurit Cooper, 79. The IDF and Egypt are reported to have played a key role in their release.

Lifshitz said civilians beat her once she was brought into Gaza before being moved into an extensive tunnel system where Hamas did provide hostages with some medicine, medical treatment, and hygiene supplies, according to American media correspondent Trey Yingst.

“They went wild in the kibbutz, they kidnapped me, they laid me on the side of the motorcycle and drove on the plowed fields towards Gaza. During this time, they took my watch and my jewelry, and the Shabab beat me with sticks,” Lifshitz said.

“There was no difference between elderly and youth, and they kidnapped them all. On the way, while I lay on the motorcycle, they hurt me a lot. They didn't break my ribs but it made it very hard for me to breathe.”

Prior to their capture from their home in the Nir Oz kibbutz near the Israel-Gaza border, Yocheved and her husband were activists who helped sick Gazans receive medical care in Israel, her grandson Daniel Lifshitz told British media. “They are human rights activists, peace activists for all their life.” (FN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You help with the release of all people who are currently being held hostages by Hamas. We pray that they will be returned to their families as soon as possible and that they will receive the medical treatment they need to fully heal. We ask that their abductors and tormentors will soon be arrested and receive just punishment for their vile crimes against children, women, and the elderly.”

Journalists Who Watched Israeli Compilation of Hamas Terror Footage Reveal How It Left Them Horrified

Journalists who attended an IDF screening of a 45-minute-long montage of Hamas murdering, torturing, and abducting Israeli civilians have told of the horrors with which they were confronted.

The lengthy compilation, pieced together from material recorded by Hamas gunmen on bodycams and smartphones, was shown by the IDF to a closed pool of journalists in Tel Aviv on Monday, October 23.

One journalist said audience members began weeping as they sat in their chairs, while others whimpered “Make it stop” after a matter of minutes. “There is no moment of redemption in the footage,” he said. “After the video was done, we were allowed to go outside... I had to sit down. I leaned against a wall and cried.”

Another journalist said some audience members were heard retching and heaving - a violent, involuntary response to the level of evil and gore on display. “I certainly hope I never see any of the extra footage again,” he wrote.

By all accounts, the footage was stuffed with clip after clip of civilians being shot, stabbed, tortured, and burned. Their corpses were arranged for all to see - bound, gagged, and riddled with bullet holes and knife wounds. One young girl was seen hiding under a desk, waiting as the terrorists decided what her fate would be. Moments later they decided to gun her down from point-blank range.

The full unedited footage will not be shared with the public, Israel says, unless all of the families of those killed within view it and give permission, meaning it is unlikely the whole clip will ever be released to the world. (DM / VFI News)

“The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” - Genesis 6:5

New York Times Admits It Relied 'Too Heavily' on Hamas

The New York Times admitted on Monday, October 23, that “editors should have taken more care with the initial presentation” of the explosion that occurred at a Gaza hospital last week after the paper “relied too heavily on claims by Hamas.”

Much of the legacy media has egg on its face for allowing the Hamas-backed Gaza Health Ministry to set the initial framing of the story, as Hamas’ claim that Israel was at fault was widely parroted.

The Israel Defense Forces determined the blast was caused by a rocket misfire launched by Islamic Jihad, another terrorist organization active in Gaza. President Biden, based on evidence from the IDF and U.S. intelligence, has publicly said Israel was not to blame.

Times published a lengthy editor’s note on Monday explaining its mistakes, “The Times’s initial accounts attributed the claim of Israeli responsibility to Palestinian officials, and noted that the Israeli military said it was investigating the blast.”

“However, the early versions of the coverage — and the prominence it received in a headline, news alert, and social media channels — relied too heavily on claims by Hamas, and did not make clear that those claims could not immediately be verified. The report left readers with an incorrect impression about what was known and how credible the account was.” (FN / VFI News)

“Though the arrogant have smeared me with lies, I keep Your precepts with all my heart.” - Psalm 119:69

University Donors Are Pulling Their Support After Schools Failed To Condemn Hamas

Many billionaires, business moguls, and university alumni are withdrawing their support from Ivy League universities after school administrators and students failed to strongly condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) were heavily criticized for their response to the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, after which students and faculty blamed Israel for the conflict.

Jon Huntsman Jr., former U.S. ambassador to China and governor of Utah, said in a letter that the Huntsman Foundation would no longer be donating to UPenn after its “silence in the face of reprehensible and historic Hamas evil against the people of Israel” and called the situation “a new low” for the university.

David Magerman, who helped launch the trading hedge fund Renaissance Technologies and a “Torah-observant Jew,” said on October 17 that he would also be revoking his funding after UPenn President Liz Magill did not immediately label Hamas as a terrorist organization in her October 10 statement.

Further, after over 30 student groups at Harvard refused to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization and blamed Israel for the attacks, the Wexner Foundation, founded by billionaire Leslie Wexner, announced in an October 16 letter that it would no longer be funding the university.

Ken Griffin, a Harvard alum and founder of Billionaire Citadel, and Bill Ackerman, billionaire and CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, vowed earlier this month that their companies would not hire student leaders at Harvard who signed onto letters blaming Israel for Hamas’ attacks.

Lastly, Larry Hogan, former governor of Maryland, announced Monday, October 23, that he would no longer participate in fellowships with the Kennedy School and the Chan School of Public Health. He said that the university should have called out the students’ statements on Israel. (DC / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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