
VFI News IDF Says It Is Not Responsible for Hospital Strike, PA to Give Terrorists’ Families 2.8$ Million

IDF Says It Is Not Responsible for Hospital Strike, PA to Give Terrorists’ Families 2.8$ Million| Oct 18, 2023

Dear readers, with the war in Israel still ongoing, we pray for all of you who have been affected by it. We offer our heartfelt condolences to the people who have lost family members or had a loved one abducted, and we pray for the recovery of the ones who have been physically or psychologically tormented by the terrorists. May the Lord heal you and send His blessings your way.

IDF Official Statement: It Is Clear that the IDF Did Not Strike the Hospital in Gaza

The IDF Spokesperson officially confirmed on Tuesday night, October 17, that the IDF did not attack the Ahli Baptist Hospital in central Gaza and that the explosion was caused by an Islamic Jihad rocket.

“Following an additional review and cross-examination of the operational and intelligence systems, it is clear that the IDF did not strike the hospital in Gaza,” the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said in a statement. “The hospital was hit as a result of a failed rocket launched by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization.”

“The terrorist organizations within the Gaza Strip fire indiscriminately toward Israel. Since the beginning of the war, approximately 450 rockets launched toward Israel have fallen within Gaza, endangering and harming the lives of Gazan residents,” the statement said.

The IDF also published a photograph from the IDF launch identification system. Earlier, the IDF announced that the initial investigation into the explosion at the hospital, where Hamas claims as many as 500 people were killed, was caused by an Islamic Jihad rocket that misfired and struck the hospital and not by an Israeli airstrike.

The IDF's initial statement said that “an analysis of IDF operational systems indicates that a barrage of rockets was fired by terrorists in Gaza, passing in close proximity to the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza at the time it was hit.”

“Intelligence from multiple sources we have in our hands indicates that Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch which hit the hospital in Gaza,” the statement added.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the explosion at the hospital in Gaza and wrote, “The entire world should know: It was barbaric terrorists in Gaza that attacked the hospital in Gaza, and not the IDF. Those who brutally murdered our children also murder their own children.” (INN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You protect our people, as well as innocent Gazan civilians from terrorist attacks. We pray that You stop the terrorists from hurting even their own people amid their bloodlust and urge to complete their nefarious plans. We offer our sincerest condolences to the families of the deceased and we pray for the full recovery of the unarmed citizens who were wounded by yesterday’s vicious attack. We hope that they all receive proper treatment and recover as soon as possible. We also pray that You help the international community realize who the real culprit of this horrifying attack was so that the slandering of Israel will come to an end.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

President Herzog: Shame on the Media Who Swallow the Lies of Hamas and Islamic Jihad

President Isaac Herzog commented on Tuesday evening, October 17, on the explosion at a hospital in Gaza which was blamed on Israel, even though it was caused by an Islamic Jihad rocket which was misfired.

“An Islamic Jihad missile has killed many Palestinians at a Gazan hospital - a place where lives should be saved,” said Herzog. “Shame on the media who swallow the lies of Hamas and Islamic Jihad - broadcasting a 21st-century blood libel around the globe,” he added.

“Shame on the vile terrorists in Gaza who willfully spill the blood of the innocent.” “Never before has the choice been clearer. Israel is standing against an enemy made of pure evil. If you stand for humanity - for the value of all human life - you stand with Israel,” Herzog concluded.

Foreign nations and media outlets rushed to blame Israel for the blast almost immediately after Hamas announced that the hospital had been struck. Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas announced three days of mourning in response to the initial report of hundreds killed at the hospital.

A British renowned news network immediately adopted all of Hamas' talking points on the incident, continuing its pattern of bias against Israel.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry also strongly condemned the “Israeli bombing of the Al-Ahli Al-Mamadani hospital in Gaza which led to the death of hundreds of innocent victims and wounded among the Palestinian citizens in Gaza.” (INN / VFI News)

“Whoever conceals hatred with lying lips and spreads slander is a fool. Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.” - Proverbs 10:18-19

PA to Give Hamas Terrorists' Families Close to $3 Million in 'Pay-for-Slay'

The Palestinian Authority will pay families of dead Hamas terrorists a combined total of around $2.8 million, according to a report by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), a nongovernmental organization and media watchdog group.

In the current “pay-for-slay” system, called the “Martyrs’ Fund” by the PA, terrorists receive monetary payments as a reward for acts of terror. The more damage an attack causes, the higher the terrorist or the terrorist’s family is paid. The authority will also pay $17,590 to approximately 50 new Hamas prisoners this month, the report said.

The PMW reported that a terrorist's family would be rewarded NIS 6,000 (around $1,500) and an NIS 1,400 ($353) allowance monthly for life. Both come up to about NIS 7,400. The families that the terrorists married into will receive an even higher amount, the report claims.

The $2.8 million in question equals more than NIS 11 million. The PMW claims that the $2.8 million payment is a low estimate because there will be more “martyrs” and prisoners from the Hamas terrorist organization.

Furthermore, the PMW accuses the Palestinian Authority in the report of receiving funding from countries from the European Union so that they can make the payments for the “pay-for-slay” program. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You stop terrorists and their families from being rewarded for vile crimes committed against Israel. Additionally, we pray that You assist our defense forces in arresting every terrorist and ensuring that their actions do not go unpunished. We urge decision-makers to realize that monetary support should reach innocent civilians that are being afflicted by the war, not the terrorists who have caused it.”

UNRWA Indicates Hamas Stole Supplies from Gaza, Then Walks Back Claim

The United Nations organization that works with Palestinian refugees and their descendants indicated Sunday, October 15, that Hamas authorities had stolen fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees from its premises in Gaza City.

In its original statement, the agency said it had received reports that people claiming they were from the Hamas-run health ministry had loaded the supplies onto trucks. It said that “UNRWA fuel and other types of material are kept for strictly humanitarian purposes — any other use is strongly condemned.” Shortly after posting the claim on X, UNRWA deleted the posts. It later asserted that nothing had been looted.

According to the organization, its officials were “compelled to evacuate” UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City on Friday and have since “had no access to the compound and no additional details about the removal of assets.”

UNRWA added that cameras monitoring the facility ceased working after being damaged by “blasts from the conflict in previous days.”

After UNRWA deleted the posts on X, UN sources and Israeli officials confirmed to Israeli media that the incident did occur. But UNRWA later uploaded fresh tweets claiming otherwise:

“With regards to reports on social media of looting of an UNRWA warehouse,” it said, without mentioning the reports had been its own, “UNRWA would like to confirm that no looting has taken place in any of its warehouses in the Gaza Strip.” It added: “The images circulating on social media were of a movement of basic medical supplies from the UNRWA warehouse to health partners.” (TOI / VFI News)

“Destructive forces are at work in the city; threats and lies never leave its streets.” - Psalm 55:11

WATCH: Critical Aid: Supporting Needy Families in the South | Vision for Israel

Join us as we provide essential food parcels and necessities to families in the South during this difficult time, just as Psalm 133:1 tells us. Visit our website, www.visionforisrael.com to learn more about our mission and how you can partner with us to make a positive impact. Together, we can help solve the dire needs of the Israeli community.

The Impact and Atrocities of the War

While it is now eleven days since the terror group Hamas stormed into Israel from Gaza, details are still emerging about the horrific rampage and the many victims.

Gina Semiatich, a 90-year-old Czech-born Holocaust survivor, was tragically murdered in her home at Kibbutz Kissufim, less than two miles from the Gaza border. According to reports in Israel, Semiatich was dragged from her home shelter by the terrorists and shot in the head in her living room.

Another tragic victim of the attacks has been revealed to be a boy named Eitan. Eitan Kaptisher was celebrating his fifth birthday when he was killed by Hamas gunmen.

Hamas is currently holding 200 hostages, with about 50 more kidnapping victims being held by other “resistance factions and in other places,” Hamas’ military spokesman said in a televised statement Monday, October 16, according to local media reports.

Further, nearly half a million Israelis have been forced to abandon their homes as a result of the ongoing war with Hamas in southern Israel, and attacks by Hezbollah terrorists in northern Israel, an IDF spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, there are those who applaud the terrorists’ actions. One such example is Russell Rickford, a Cornell University professor who was caught on camera telling students that Hamas’ terror attack on Israel was “exhilarating”, “energizing” and that he himself “was exhilarated”. (DM / VFI News)

“God, we extend our deepest sympathy to all the people who faced the terrorists’ wrath and viciousness. We pray that You comfort them and ensure their full mental and physical recovery. We also pray for the quick release of the hostages that Hamas has abducted.”

US Department of Defense Issues 'Be Ready to Deploy' Orders, Biden Lands in Israel

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin put a significant number of U.S. troops on stand-by to “be ready to deploy,” over the weekend, though officials say the U.S. role would not be for combat.

A U.S. official confirmed with American media that Austin issued orders to 2,000 troops that they should be ready to be deployed to the Eastern Mediterranean within 24 hours of receiving an order.

Specifically, top officials say troops would be sent to advise and provide medical support to Israeli forces. The order is less of a deterrence posture but instead appears to be a more direct support role for the defense of Israel if needed.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden landed in Israel Wednesday morning, October 18, as he demonstrated the United States’ commitment to the Middle Eastern country devastated by the Hamas terrorist attack.

Biden previously said his trip was “to stand in solidarity in the face of Hamas’s brutal terrorist attack and to consult on next steps.” “I wanted to be here today for a simple reason. I wanted the people of Israel, the people of the world, to know where the United States stands,” Biden said Wednesday.

Another supporter of Israel, former boxing champion Floyd Mayweather, is taking concrete action to support the Israeli Defense Forces and has reportedly decided to send his private plane to Israel, laden with provisions such as food, protective vests, and other critical supplies for IDF personnel. (FN / VFI News)

“Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.” - Ezra 10:4

'She Attacked the Terrorists': The Story of Heroism of Late Adar Ben Simon

Second Lieutenant Adar Ben Simon, 20 years old, from Neve Ziv, was a platoon commander in the Home Front Command. She lost her life on Saturday, October 7, when she fearlessly stormed into action to make contact with the infiltrating terrorists at her base.

“Last Saturday, during a routine Shabbat closure at the base, Adar was among the officers leading the rookie course at Zikim. When Adar and her fellow commanders discovered the large number of terrorists infiltrating the base, their immediate priority was to protect the rookies under their command.”

“Adar fearlessly engaged in battle, fighting with all her might to eliminate the terrorists and defend her country while ensuring the safety of her soldiers and sacrificing her own life. Together with her comrades, she fought valiantly against overwhelming odds, and thanks to their bravery, almost all the recruits returned home unharmed.”

“We are determined to ensure that everyone knows what an incredible hero Adar was, a true Israeli heroine who gave everything for the country she loved so deeply,” her relatives added.

“Your death is the death of a hero. I always knew you were brave, fearless like a butterfly to fire,” her partner was heard saying during her funeral. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we pray for the family of the brave Israeli commander, Adar Ben Simon, and we ask that You comfort them. We offer our sincere condolences to anyone who mourns her loss and we trust that her sacrifice was not in vain, but that she will be remembered dearly for the years to come.”

National Security Council: All Israelis in Turkey Must Leave Now Due to Terror Threat

The National Security Council published a warning Tuesday evening, October 17, to Israelis who are currently in the country of Turkey, calling on them to immediately leave the country.

The travel warning level in Turkey has been raised to level 4, the highest possible level. The warning applies to all areas of the country. In addition, the travel warning level for the country of Morocco was raised to level 2, which means Israelis in the country must take increased precautions.

For Israelis who have not yet left Turkey, the National Security Council recommends taking all the recommended precautions and reducing gathering in public spaces as much as possible, hiding Israeli and Jewish symbols, and avoiding going to places that are identified as Jewish or have Israeli affiliation.

The National Security Council also reiterated its recommendations to the public to reconsider planned trips abroad at this time, to avoid non-essential trips to countries subject to a travel warning, with an emphasis on Arab countries and countries surrounding Iran (especially Jordan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan). (INN / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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