
VFI News IDF Surrounds Hamas Leader 2 More Senior Terrorists Dead

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Catch the latest VFI News from Israel as we bring you exclusive insights into the IDF's operations in Khan Younis and the ongoing developments in the southern Gaza Strip.

Explore the intricate dynamics of U.S.-Israel relations, the Senate's stance on emergency aid, and the unfolding situation on the Lebanon border.

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Happy Hanukkah!

Dear readers, as we get ready to light the second Hanukkah candle, we wish you a peaceful, joyous, and hopeful Feast of Lights. We pray for all Israelis who have been majorly affected by the war in the last two months and we hope that the Lord will take away their suffering and replace it with joy and prosperity. May you all experience your personal miracle and be reminded of the Lord’s power and unending love.

Prime Minister Netanyahu: ''Our Forces Are Surrounding Sinwar's House''

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu published a statement on Wednesday, December 6, concerning two updates on the war in Gaza and the efforts to return the hostages.

“Yesterday, I said that our forces can get anywhere in the Gaza Strip. Now, they are surrounding the home of (Yahya) Sinwar. Now, his home is not his fort, and he escapes, but it is only a matter of time until we reach him,” Netanyahu declared.

Regarding the hostages, he stated: “We are applying pressure to allow for visits by the Red Cross of the hostages. In that regard, I spoke today with the President of the Red Cross and told her to speak to Qatar, which has proven to have leverage on Hamas, and demand the Red Cross visit the hostages and, of course, supply them with medication.”

IDF Chief-of-staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi had also hinted on Tuesday that the IDF is closing in on Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar as it has penetrated the heart of Khan Younis in southern Gaza. He said that the IDF has encircled southern Gaza and Khan Younis, where multiple top officials have said Sinwar is hiding, though there is still no precise timeline for capturing or killing him.

Furthermore, the IDF and Shin Bet disclosed on Thursday that they had killed two senior Hamas terrorists who operated in Hamas’s intelligence unit in Gaza. More specifically, the Israeli Air Force, operating on intelligence supplied by the IDF and Shin Bet, successfully targeted Abdel Aziz Rantisi and Ahmed Aiush.

Rantisi, a seasoned intelligence operative, was responsible for Hamas’s field intelligence in Gaza and had been among those who planned the October 7 massacre in southern Israel, the IDF said. Aiush was an operative from the observation unit of Hamas’s Carrara Battalion. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for gifting us a strong military that can protect our country and hunt down our enemies. We pray that our leaders will find a solution for the return of all hostages currently remaining in Gaza and that with Your Mercy, they will be able to put an end to the war.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Netanyahu Doesn't Accept Abbas's Rule After War, Also Warns Hezbollah

Sources in the Palestinian Authority told Arabic media that Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is ready to take control of the Gaza Strip. In response, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated: “As long as I am the Prime Minister of Israel, that won’t happen.”

He continued, “Whoever teaches their children terrorism, funds terrorism, and supports the families of terrorists, cannot rule Gaza after we eliminate Hamas.”

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich congratulated the Prime Minister on his stance: “Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for your clear stance. Whoever teaches their children terrorism, funds terrorism, and supports the families of terrorists, cannot rule Gaza, and endangers us in Judea and Samaria as well. Kfar Saba won’t be Kfar Aza.”

Further, Netanyahu recently warned Hezbollah not to initiate a third Lebanon war with Israel, hours after the Iranian proxy group guided missile attack killed a 60-year-old Israeli man in northern Israel.

“If Hezbollah chooses to start an all-out war, then it will single-handedly turn Beirut and South Lebanon, not far from here, into Gaza and Khan Yunis. We are determined to bring victory, and we will do it with your help,” he said during a visit to the IDF’s Northern Command Headquarters.

The 60-year-old man, identified as Eyal Uzan, was hit in an agricultural field near Moshav Mattat after Hezbollah terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at his vehicle near the Lebanese border Thursday. In response to the incident, the IDF said it struck the source of the fire with attack helicopters, tanks, and artillery. (INN / VFI News)

“Lord we pray that You bring comfort to Eyal Uzan’s family. We offer our heartfelt condolences to Eyal’s family and we pray that no more lives will be lost due to these acts of terror. May You protect our nation from all surrounding enemies, and enable us to guard our borders and provide security to all citizens residing in Israel.”

Doctor Treating Freed Hamas Hostages Reveals Unprecedented Abuse: 'We Have to Rewrite the Textbooks'

A doctor treating freed Hamas hostages in Israel says survivors are suffering from an unprecedented level of “extremely severe psychological abuse” endured during captivity.

“I can tell you that on behalf of all the medical and psychological teams treating those who return, the mental states we encountered have no precedent in medical literature. We feel that we have to rewrite the textbooks of post-trauma,” Dr. Renana Eitan said.

Eitan revealed that the Tel Aviv Medical Center is actively treating more than 15 former hostages and described their “severe physical and mental abuse.”

“Those held captive were subject to starvation, to beating, to sexual abuse. They were being held in inhumane sanitary conditions. Extremely severe psychological abuse was inflicted on them, including separation from family members, separation of siblings, separation of children from their mothers. They were held in solitary confinement and spent long days in total darkness until they developed severe hallucinations,” Eitan claimed.

“Children were forced to watch brutal videos. They were under constant threats by weapons and threats to harm them even after they were released. They refer to the forced use of psychiatric drugs and other substances.”

Around the same time, US State Department spokesman Mathew Miller stated that one of the reasons the temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas fell apart is that Hamas does not want to release the women it still holds hostage out of fear that they will reveal how badly they have been treated.

Miller added that the US has “no reason” to doubt the reports of mass rape and sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7. (FN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You heal all hostages who have suffered greatly at the hands of Hamas terrorists. We pray that You help them navigate this tormenting period and that You bring them peace and comfort. We hope that they will be able to heal from the remnants of their severe abuse and that they will never again experience such horrifying and inhumane acts of violence. We pray for the release of all hostages and we urge everyone who is in a position of power to assist Israel in this cause.”

Senior Hamas Official: 'War of Liberation' Coming, Bigger Than October 7

Hamas Political Bureau officer Osama Hamdan told an Arabic television station in Lebanon last Wednesday, November 29, that a “war of liberation” is coming that will dwarf the terror attack of October 7. He added that Hamas had no regrets about the attack.

When questioned whether he would still do what he did on October 7 if he could go back on October 6, he answered: “Why would some people assume that we would go back on our acts of resistance?”

Later during the interview he also promised that “a war of liberation is coming, not just another October 7.” Last month, another Hamas official also promised that the terror group would repeat October 7-style attacks until Israel was destroyed.

Recently, there has been anecdotal evidence that some residents of Gaza are starting to turn against Hamas, as well as the countries that have sponsored it, but these criticisms are being suppressed by Arabic-language media.

In one video published by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) on Saturday, an Arabic news outlet correspondent pushed an interviewee the moment he began criticizing Qatar and Turkey, which are the main countries that have provided luxurious lifestyles for absentee Hamas leaders. (BB / VFI News)

“God, we pray that You will shield us from harm and that You will prevent our enemies from materializing their nefarious plans. We ask for peace so that we can all rebuild our lives, mourn the losses, and comfort our loved ones. May You hear our prayers and save Israel from those who have ill intentions towards it.”

WATCH: The Story of Hanukkah | Vision for Israel

Happy Hanukkah! Have you ever wondered why we light a Hanukkiah? What's the story behind the Feast of Lights? Discover the history and truth behind this wonderful celebration and let it take you deeper into the light of Yeshua. Learn more about this wonderful feast.

One of Largest Weapons Depots in Gaza Found Near Medical Clinic and School

Combat soldiers of the 50th Battalion of the 460th Brigade, exposed one of the largest stockpiles of weapons, near a medical clinic and school in northern Gaza.

The stockpile contained hundreds of missiles, various types of RPG launchers, dozens of anti-tank missiles and explosive charges, long-range missiles aimed at the center of Israel, dozens of grenades, and unmanned aerial vehicles.

The weapons were seized by the soldiers. Some were destroyed on-site and some were sent for further investigation. All of the terrorist infrastructure was found close to civilian buildings in the heart of a civilian population.

“This is additional proof of Hamas’ cynical use of the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields,” an IDF spokesperson said. (INN / VFI News)

“Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways.” - Isaiah 59:7

Iran Working to Cut off Fuel Deliveries to Israel

Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, has called for a ban on supplying fuel to Israel and said that Tehran has created a special task force in its Foreign Ministry to impose such a ban.

As part of a press conference on Monday, December 4, Nasser stated that the current situation shows that “the Zionist entity” is trying to expand the war after it failed to produce concrete results through its aggression against the Gaza Strip over the last two months.

Nasser said that Israel could not repair its defeat on October 7 and that the Hamas invasion would lead to further strategic defeats.

He stated that if the American government was thinking clearly, it would stop the “Zionist war machine”, as the continuation of the war would not bring the “Zionist entity” victory.

Nasser emphasized the need to ban fuel supplies to Israel and reiterated that a task force had been established to work with oil-producing countries to set the process in motion. (INN / VFI News)

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.” - Psalm 37:7

Iran-Backed Houthis Brag of Hamas, Islamic Jihad Support

The Iran-backed Houthis are seeking legitimacy for their increased attacks on ships in the Red Sea. On Tuesday, December 5, their media arm published several articles trying to highlight their actions. For instance, they claim that ships ignored their warnings, essentially blaming the victims of their attacks.

Houthis attacked three ships over the weekend, have attacked several other ships, and have also threatened the US Navy and hijacked one commercial vessel.

Also, on Tuesday, the Houthis said it has received support from Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The Yemen-based terrorist group claims that its role in the Red Sea is a “strategic victory” and that this is part of Iran’s “axis of resistance.” The Houthis used a statement ascribed to the PIJ to emphasize this point.

The article further argues that the group’s operations are “hitting the nerve of the Israeli enemy’s economy,” and that this combines with other fronts against the Jewish state.

Iran’s policy in recent years has been to unify these fronts, and bringing the Houthis into the battle has been a major accomplishment for Tehran. It has also pushed Hezbollah to attack Israel in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack. In addition, Iranian proxies in Iraq and Syria have carried out 76 attacks on US forces and there have been increased threats to Israel from Syria in recent weeks.

The Houthis media also highlights how the Hamas movement now has a representative in Yemen. The article mentions that the Houthis “operations prove its seriousness in breaking the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip, stressing that the continuation of operations in the Red Sea accelerates the pace of ending the Israeli-American aggression against Gaza.” (JPost / VFI News)

 “The wicked foe pulls all of them up with hooks, he catches them in his net, he gathers them up in his dragnet; and so he rejoices and is glad.”  - Habakkuk 1:15

Antisemitism Rises and Becomes Exposed for the World to See

Denmark will deploy army units to protect Jewish and Israeli sites in Copenhagen in response to an increase in antisemitism in the wake of Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, government officials said Sunday, December 3.

“The conflict in the Middle East has led to an absolutely unacceptable increase in antisemitism and insecurity for Jews in Denmark,” Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard said. “We’re in a situation where the terrorist threat hanging over Denmark is serious.”

Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen also called out Colombian President Gustavo Petro for his recent antisemitic remarks after the latter equated Israel’s operation in Gaza to Nazism in Germany.

Further, actress Gal Gadot called out the silence on Hamas’ use of sexual violence in a post on social media, arguing that “the world has failed the women of October 7th. We claim we stand against rape, violence against women … We say we believe women, stand with women, speak out for women.” She said the world has failed to call the situation what it is, “an urgent emergency that demands a decisive response.”

In the US, two recent incidents also highlight the rise in antisemitism; in Boston, Jewish students at Northeastern University encountered an anti-Israel demonstration taking place in their campus center as they tried to enter the building to attend a Shabbat dinner. Furthermore, in Philadelphia “an antisemitic mob descended on Michael Solomonov’s falafel restaurant,” according to Canadian-American political commentator David Frum.

Frum added: “They demand a boycott of Jewish goods. Michael Solomonov is a James Beard Award-winning chef. He makes some of the best hummus outside Israel.” Another person who witnessed the protest said the mob “continued their march down the street, but not before vandalizing the front windows.” (TOI / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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