
VFI News Iran Orchestrates More Terrorist Attacks Against Israel, Meets with Hamas Leader

Iran Orchestrates More Terrorist Attacks Against Israel, Meets with Hamas Leader

Iran Orchestrates More Terrorist Attacks Against Israel, Meets with Hamas Leader | Nov 6, 2023

Iranian Group Puts up Recruitment Posters for Suicide Bombers Willing to Attack Targets in Israel

A hard-line Iranian group has been actively recruiting potential suicide bombers for operations in Israel, images seen by British media reveal.

The group responsible for this recruitment drive, Hezbollah, different from the Lebanese militant group with the same name, has initiated a campaign in the southeastern Iranian city of Mashhad, a significant place in Shia Islam.

Posters featuring calls for “martyrdom” have appeared on the streets of Mashhad, imploring residents to submit their personal details for consideration. These posters declare that “It's time for Jihad,” and seek individuals to join a “special battalion of martyr seekers for Palestine.”

One poster, shared by a Telegram channel close to the group, shows triumphant jihadists arriving at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of Islam's holiest sites after the defeat of Israel while waving Iran's flag. “Liberating” Al-Aqsa Mosque has been one of the fundamental slogans of the Islamic Republic's officials over the past four decades.

The group has gone as far as providing potential recruits with the option to choose between using motorcycles or cars for their deployments to Israel.

Tawab, a resident of Mashhad, expressed his concern about the situation. In a telephone interview with British media he stated, “I have seen these posters in several places in the city, but no one seems willing to take such a perilous path. It makes the face of the city scary.” (DM / VFI News)

“God, we pray that You protect us from the malevolent plans of those who wish to harm Israel. We ask that You assist our military personnel in efficiently defending our people and thwarting any potential terrorist attack. We ask that You will stop any evil attack planned by our enemies before they can execute it. We also pray that the terrorists will be punished for the indescribable suffering they have already caused.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Hamas Leader Haniyeh Meets Iran’s Khamenei

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh met with Iran’s Supreme Leader, Iranian pro-regime media said on Sunday, November 5.

Iranian media noted that the “head of the political office of Hamas and the delegation met with the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei.” Haniyeh presented the Iranian Ayatollah with an update on “developments in Gaza” and also accused Israel of “crimes.”

“The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also once again expressed his appreciation for the patience and perseverance of the steadfast people of Gaza and strongly deplored the crimes committed by the Zionist regime with the direct support of the United States and some Western countries,” the report noted.

This illustrates how Iran is trying to create a united front against the US and Israel. It is using Hamas as part of this front but also trying to get Hezbollah, the Houthis, and militias in Iraq and Syria involved.

Iran is trying to mobilize Muslim countries in general, according to the report. This coincides with protests against the US in Turkey. While the Iranian reports are slim on what was actually achieved in the meeting, the meeting itself is symbolic and important.

Further, according to Israeli journalist Ben Caspit, Hamas's mass infiltration and massacre of Israelis on October 7 was originally intended to take place during the last Passover's Seder meal, but Iran forced it to delay. Caspit speculated that this could have happened due to informal negotiations with the United States which eventually led to $6 billion being freed up for Iran in September. (JPost / VFI News)

“The wicked band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.” - Psalm 94:21

Israeli Source Says Many Hostages in Gaza Are Still Alive

Israel has estimated that many of the over 240 Hamas-held captives in Gaza are still alive, as it opposed any ceasefire understanding without the release of all the hostages.

An Israeli diplomatic source said that the pressure of a ground campaign may press Hamas to make a deal. “Initially nothing was seen in that direction,” the source said. Now, “we see something, it hasn't matured yet.”

The source spoke as Israel is under international pressure for a ceasefire, with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken pushing it to accept at least a humanitarian pause in the fighting. The source said that any ceasefire understanding would in fact be temporary, more akin to a pause.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a visit to the Ramon Air Force base on Sunday, November 5, that Israel won’t agree to any form of ceasefire without the return of all the hostages.

He explained that he was delivering this message both to Israel’s allies and enemies. “There is one thing we will not do: There will be no ceasefire without the return of the hostages,” Netanyahu told the pilots. “This should be completely removed from the lexicon,” he added. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for keeping many of the hostages who were violently abducted by Hamas alive. We pray that our leaders and military officials will make the right decisions so that the hostages will return safely to their families. May You guide them and keep Your generous shield of protection over the remaining hostages.”

IDF Takes Control of Hamas Compound, Arrests Ahed Tamimi Who Was Calling to Murder Jews

IDF troops on Sunday, November 5, took control over a Hamas compound, struck 450 aerial targets, and killed Hamas commanders in cooperation with the ISA, an IDF source said.

The compound contains observation posts, training areas for Hamas operatives, and underground terror tunnels. During the operation, several Hamas terrorists were killed. IDF soldiers also killed Hamas battalion commanders in battles on the ground.

Additionally, since Sunday morning, IDF fighter jets struck over 450 Hamas targets, including tunnels, terrorists, military compounds, observation posts, anti-tank missile launch posts, and more.

As part of the activities to target Hamas terrorists, based on ISA and IDF intelligence, IDF fighter jets struck and killed additional Hamas terrorists, including Jamal Mussa, who was responsible for the special security operations in the Hamas terrorist organization.

Furthermore, Israeli forces have arrested Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi after she called to murder Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria. In an Instagram post last week, the 22-year-old wrote, “Our message to the herds of settlers is: … We will slaughter you, and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke. We will drink your blood, and we will eat your skulls. Come on, let's go, we're waiting for you.”

A video posted by an Arab Israeli source shows IDF soldiers leading the woman out of her Nabi Salah home. Tamimi became known in 2018 when videos of her assaulting IDF soldiers went viral. She was sentenced to eight months in prison and eight months probation. (INN / VFI News)

“Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked.” - Proverbs 3:25

WATCH: What is Kristallnacht? | Vision for Israel

Kristallnacht (‘Night of the Broken Glass’), which occurred the night of November 9th-10th, 1938, will forever be a dark stain in history. The name Kristallnacht comes from the broken glass that covered the streets after Nazi Parties ruthlessly carried out pogroms against Jews. Jewish-owned stores, homes, buildings, and synagogues were severely vandalized, windows were smashed, and buildings were set aflame. An estimated 91 Jews were murdered, and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps. Modern analysis of German scholarly sources estimates 638 deaths by suicide as a result of post-arrest maltreatment. Let us remember Kristallnacht.

Hamas Leader’s House Hit by Airstrike, Terrorist Launch Site Found Inside Children’s Playground

The house of Hamas’ senior political leader was destroyed in an alleged Israeli airstrike on Saturday, November 4, officials said. The family residence of Ismail Haniyeh, located in the Shati refugee camp on the northern outskirts of Gaza City, was hit Saturday morning, according to a Hamas-run media outlet.

There were no immediate details about possible casualties or the true extent of the damage. At the time of the strike, Haniyeh’s home was being used by his two sons, senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad said, while Haniyeh - who was elected Hamas’ political chief in 2017 - has lived in luxurious “exile” in Qatar since 2019.

Hamas has been accused of using civilian infrastructure such as UNRWA schools and apartment buildings as its launching pads for rocket attacks against Israel, which endanger the civilian population of Gaza.

On Sunday, the IDF released footage that showed Hamas rocket launchers and launch pits next to a playground and a children's swimming pool in Gaza. “This is further proof,” the IDF said, “of Hamas's ceaseless use of the civilian population as a human shield for terrorist purposes.”

“What you can see here is a group of four launching barrels for rockets being fired towards Israel, only five meters from a children's pool, and maybe 20-30m from residential buildings – all in the heart of a residential neighborhood,” an IDF officer stated.

“We arrived here and found an area where there is a playground that used to be some kind of amusement park. You can see the launch site from within the amusement park and the children's playground,” a second officer stated. (NYP / VFI News)

“God, we pray for the safety of all innocent civilians currently residing in Gaza and we hope that they will no longer be used as human shields by Hamas. We hope that peace will soon prevail and that the terrorists who have started the war in Israel will be swiftly apprehended and face justice for their numerous horrifying crimes.”

Pentagon Suspends Israel Travel For Top Officials, ‘High Risk’ Hamas Might Get Some of US $100 Million Gaza Aid

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has implemented a temporary suspension of Pentagon flights to Israel for top DOD officials and members of Congress due to the intensity of military conflict in the area.

Any senior DOD leader who needs to travel to Israel will have to get authorization directly from either Austin or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, depending on the position of the person making the request. However, the Pentagon will continue to provide support for “any desired visits by the President and Vice President of the United States,” according to a memo.

“These restrictions also do not apply to travel by the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretaries of the Military Departments, or Service Chiefs,” the memo added.

Further, a government watchdog warned Friday, November 3, that some of US President Joe Biden’s $100 million in humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza and Judea and Samaria is likely to fall into the hands of Hamas terrorists. Biden pledged on October 18 that the fuel, medical supplies, food, and water included in the package would not be diverted to Hamas, which has political and military control of Gaza.

The United Nations and Israel maintain oversight of aid trucks heading in and out of Gaza, according to the State Department, but there is a high risk of diversion to Hamas, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) internal watchdog warned in an alert distributed Friday.

“USAID has identified this area as high-risk for potential diversion and misuse of U.S.-funded assistance,” the USAID Office of the Inspector General (OIG) warned. (DW / VFI News)

“Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray.” - Isaiah 9:16

Jordanian National Living Illegally in Texas Accused of 'Studying How to Build Bombs' to Target Jews: Reports

Authorities in Texas have arrested a man accused of “studying how to build bombs” for a possible attack against Jewish people, and the FBI director used his case as an example of the increased risk of terror attacks in the U.S.

“We’ve already seen that with the individual we arrested last week in Houston who had been studying how to build bombs and posted online his support for killing Jews,” FBI Director Chris Wray said during a congressional hearing.

The man he was referring to is 20-year-old Sohaib Abuayyash, American media confirmed from an FBI source. The FBI referred the media outlet to the publicly filed court documents, which show Abuayyash was in the country illegally.

Abuayyash’s immigration status doesn’t allow him to possess or use firearms or ammunition, and he was consequently arrested in the Houston area in October for unlawful possession of a firearm, according to federal court documents.

Abuayyash previously allegedly posted several images and videos of him training with firearms on social media accounts. According to American media, the judge's order that detained Abuayyash states that he “has made statements that he wants to go to Gaza to fight.” (FN / VFI News)

“Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.” - Proverbs 26:26

U.S. Citizens Told To Leave Lebanon Amid ‘Unpredictable Security Situation’

The State Department issued a travel advisory on Saturday morning, November 4, urging Americans to leave Lebanon amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The warning comes amid threats from Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah to escalate military actions against Israel. Israel has been sending targeted strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon as Hezbollah has fired rockets at Israeli troops.

“The [State Department] recommends that U.S. citizens in Lebanon leave now while commercial flights remain available due to the unpredictable security situation,” the State Department posted to X, former Twitter.

Americans were also told to have “a plan of action for crisis situations that does not rely on U.S. government assistance. The best time to leave a country is before a crisis, if at all possible. U.S. military-assisted evacuations of civilians from a foreign country are rare. There is no guarantee the U.S. government will evacuate private U.S. citizens and their family members in a crisis situation.”

The previous day, Nasrallah gave a speech that aimed at the U.S., calling it “The Great Satan,” and blaming America for the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, which started after Hamas launched an unprecedented terrorist attack on October 7. (DW / VFI News)

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