
VFI News Most Casualties Since October 7 by Hezbollah Drone in Binyamina; At Least 67 Injured

Happy Sukkot!

As Sukkot begins on Wednesday at sundown, we wish all of our readers Chag Sukkot Same’ach! We pray that you will experience immense joy during the festivities and enjoy time with your loved ones. As we reflect on God’s miraculous provision to the children of Israel in the desert and their dwelling in Sukkot, we are reminded of His everlasting faithfulness and protection over His people. May God’s peace fill your days and may He bless you and your families with health, joy, safety, and a close relationship with Him.

Most Casualties Since October 7 by Hezbollah Drone in Binyamina; At Least 67 Injured

Most Casualties Since October 7 by Hezbollah Drone in Binyamina; At Least 67 Injured


At Least 67 Injured in Drone Strike in Binyamina, 4 in Critical Condition

Dozens of casualties have been sustained from a drone strike in the Binyamin area of northern Israel; it is the highest number of casualties in a single event since the October 7 massacre. 

Magen David Adom Director General Eli Bin said that at least 67 people were injured Sunday evening, October 13, from a drone strike launched by Hezbollah that exploded near Binyamina in northern Israel. Four of the injured are defined as critical, five others were seriously injured and many others are in moderate condition. 

MDA teams evacuated 39 casualties and the military and other ambulances evacuated another 25. Emek Medical Center in Afula declared a mass-casualty event. 

Hezbollah launched two UAVs. Air defense systems intercepted one of them after alarms in the Western Galilee, including in Acre and Nahariya. But one of the two UAVs penetrated deep into Israel, and the explosion occurred in the Binyamina area without triggering an alarm. 

An initial IDF investigation into the drone strike revealed two drones infiltrated Israeli airspace from Lebanon via the sea, the first of which was intercepted. 

Less than an hour later, the Israeli Air Force intercepted a UAV that was launched from Lebanon in the northern naval area, according to the IDF. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the mass-casualty attack, which occurred in the Ramot Menashe area, and claimed that it was carried out in response to IDF attacks in Lebanon and in particular in Beirut. (YNet / VFI News)

“Dear Lord, we pray for all the people who were injured in yesterday’s major attack. We pray in Yeshua’s name for their full recovery which will not leave remnants of physical or psychological wounds. We thank You for preventing any deaths and we ask that You please continue to protect us and strengthen our military so it can thwart all terrorist attacks from now on.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Hamas Planned Sept. 11-Style Toppling of A Tel Aviv Skyscraper

In the years before the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel, Hamas leaders planned a “far deadlier” wave of terror attacks, potentially including a September 11th-style attack on a Tel Aviv skyscraper, American media reported. 

The report said that plans included using trains, boats, and potentially horse-drawn chariots, as well as parallel attacks by allied terror groups for a simultaneous assault on Israel’s northern, southern, and eastern borders. 

The report, based on 59 pages of letters and planning documents in Arabic, is a “fraction” of what the IDF has confiscated since Israel began its ground invasion of Gaza on October 27, 2023. Hamas leadership is recorded to have approached Iran for funding of hundreds of millions of dollars and training for an additional 12,000 men. 

The documents cited are only a fraction of those seized by Israel as part of the ground offensive. It is unclear whether Iran was aware of these plans or how it responded to the requests, but the IDF believes that Hamas tried to draw Iran into a direct confrontation with Israel – something that Iran has so far avoided. 

Among the documents found, there is official correspondence from 2021 by Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, in which he requests from Iran economic and military support on a large scale. He wrote that with Iran's support, Hamas will be able to destroy Israel in just two years. (INN /VFI News) 

“Our Heavenly Father, we thank You for protecting us from the huge-scale attack Hamas was planning before October 7. We are extremely grateful that You caused their plans to fail and kept Your people safe. We pray that You will continue to protect us and all innocent civilians, in Yeshua’s name, and that You will bring long-lasting peace to the land You have given us.”

Iran's Unusual Message to Israel

Iran sent a message to Israel, via European countries, regarding the expected Israeli retaliation for Iran’s massive missile attack earlier this month, Saudi Arabian media reported. 

“The Iranian message to Israel, sent mostly indirectly, is that it will ignore a limited Israeli attack, and will not respond to it as it is threatening to do,” the report said. 

According to the sources, “Iran will not have any choice but to respond to the crossing of red lines, if it is subjected to an attack on its oil facilities or nuclear facilities.” 

Earlier last week, three US and Israeli officials told American media that US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have inched closer to an agreement regarding Israel’s planned retaliation against Iran following their call on Wednesday, October 9. 

According to the report, the Biden administration recognizes that Israel is preparing for a significant attack on Iran, but is concerned that targeting certain sites could lead to a sharp escalation in the ongoing regional conflict. (INN/ VFI News)

“You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked” - Psalm 12:7

Iran Seeks Diplomatic Relationships, US Expands Sanctions Against It

Tehran has sought international support against Israel as the region remains braced for an IDF retaliatory strike on Iran, while the US issued sanctions against the Islamic Republic’s energy trade. 

Iran’s Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi “underscored the need for collective diplomatic efforts to halt the Zionist regime’s aggressions and crimes,” he wrote in a letter to his counterparts across the globe, his office said in a post on X. 

Iran’s ballistic missile strike against Israel earlier this month was justified, he said. The “Islamic Republic of Iran is fully prepared to take stronger defensive actions, if necessary, in response to any further aggression, and will not hesitate to do so,” he stressed. 

Meanwhile, Washington on Friday, October 11, expanded sanctions against Iran’s petroleum and petrochemical sectors in response to its missile attack on Israel, the Treasury Department said. 

“This action intensifies financial pressure on Iran, limiting the regime’s ability to earn critical energy revenues to undermine stability in the region and attack US partners and allies,” it said in a statement. (JPost / VFI News) 

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” - Proverbs 17:17

WATCH: What is Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) All About?

Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot, the Feast of Ingathering, the Feast of Booths... What do all these names mean? What is Sukkot all about and what is the Biblical significance behind it? Join Barry Segal for this special Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) episode where he dives deep into the spiritual significance of this feast and why you, as a believer in Yeshua, should be observing Sukkot.

UNRWA Has Misused More than One Billion Dollars in U.S. Taxpayer Aid Sent to Gaza Since October 2023

According to American senator Tom Cotton, more than $1 billion of humanitarian aid intended for Gazan civilians could have fallen into Hamas’s hands. He is now calling for the federal government to suspend the aid until it can rectify the problem.

He wrote a letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), raising concerns about the money being sent: “Credible reporting indicates that Hamas terrorists have diverted this aid; indisputable evidence demonstrates that the aid was always at high risk of diversion.”

“On September 30, your agency announced approximately $336 million in additional humanitarian funding for Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. On the same day, the United Nations acknowledged that Fateh al-Sharif, a Hamas leader in Lebanon killed in an Israeli airstrike, was employed by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.”

“UNRWA, a major USAID partner before October 7, remains a chief conduit for UN humanitarian assistance in Gaza despite extensive evidence of its ties to Hamas,” Cotton continued.

“When American aid flows to Israel’s enemies – who are also our enemies – USAID is guilty of moral failure, strategic catastrophe, and betrayal of the American taxpayer. You should immediately suspend all aid until taking credible and serious steps to stop Americans’ tax dollars from funding terrorists,” he concluded. (GR / VFI News)

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” - James 1:27

Hezbollah Runs out of Money Following Repeated Israeli Strikes - Report

Hezbollah has been allegedly faced with severe financial difficulties as a result of Israeli military actions that have targeted their funding sources, according to an exclusive report by an international broadcasting network. 

According to the Friday report, October 11, the findings of the Lebanese terror group’s financial struggles came after speaking to US and Lebanon-based researchers, along with alleged US Treasury Department reports. 

The findings reportedly identified Hezbollah’s main source of income as coming from the Lebanese banking institution Al-Qard al-Hasan (AQAH). The report of Hezbollah’s lack of funding has come after Israel has reportedly escalated its attacks on the terror group’s assets, including airstrikes on AQAH’s branches, causing significant damage. 

“Hezbollah is facing a very serious financial problem. They are unable to pay rank-and-file members who have fled their homes and need to feed their families,” said Hilal Khashan, a Lebanese political science professor. 

Furthermore, Lebanese finances have also been strained due to a loss of access to its banking system. According to the report, many of Lebanon’s wealthiest bankers, who may have facilitated Hezbollah’s money laundering activities, have fled the country, fearing Israeli reprisals. (JPost/VFI News)

These Are the Most Antisemitic College Campuses in the US

A report issued by the Anti-Defamation League reveals a troubling surge in anti-Israel activities across U.S. campuses, marked by endorsements of terrorism and incidents targeting Jewish students. Researchers have also observed a notable spike in vandalism, harassment, and assaults over the past year. 

The 10 campuses with the highest incidence of reported cases are Columbia University (52), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (38), Harvard University (36), University of California, Berkeley (36), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (35), Rutgers University, New Brunswick (33), Stanford University (30), Cornell University (27), University of Washington (26), and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (25). 

The data indicates that between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024, there were 2,087 recorded anti-Israel incidents. These events encompass assaults, vandalism, harassment, demonstrations, and divestment resolutions, reflecting a dramatic 477% increase in these categories compared to the previous academic year. 

The Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism’s annual campus report identified a record number of anti-Israel incidents, including 28 physical assaults. 

Additionally, the Anti-Defamation League documented 1,418 protests and actions (including the establishment of encampments), 360 instances of verbal or written harassment, 201 cases of vandalism, and 80 BDS movement resolutions (71 approved and only nine rejected). (YNet / VFI News)

“Dear God, we pray for all of the students who are currently facing antisemitism and are even afraid to go to their college campuses. We pray in Yeshua’s name that You strengthen and protect them, and that You will not allow anyone to harm them. May You keep them and hold them in Your hands, while bringing to repentance and soften the hardened hearts of those who wish to harm them.”

Outrage Over CBS Directive to Not Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

CBS News’ recent directive instructing staff to avoid referring to Jerusalem as part of Israel in reports has caused outrage in Israel and the United States. The channel recently instructed its staff not to refer to Jerusalem as part of Israel, citing its internationally disputed status. 

This directive, aimed at “maintaining neutrality in covering the Gaza conflict,” has sparked controversy among Jewish employees and Israeli officials, who argue that it undermines the U.S.’s official recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. 

“It's disappointing to see significant entities trying to make Jerusalem’s status as an Israeli city a matter of debate,” Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion said on the issue. 

His deputy, Aryeh King, added: “The Jewish people don’t need the approval of an anti-Zionist private organization to acknowledge that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish people and their country, the State of Israel. The Jewish people are blessed that their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, tied themselves and our nation to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.” 

“Later, our kings established Jerusalem as their capital and there's no dispute, not in Islam nor in Christianity, that Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish people,” he added. (YNet /VFI News)  

“Then King Solomon summoned into his presence at Jerusalem the elders of Israel, all the heads of the tribes and the chiefs of the Israelite families, to bring up the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Zion, the City of David.” - 1 Kings 8:1

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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