
VFI News Parents of 3 Children Killed by Hezbollah, Nasrallah Pledges to Keep Fighting Israel

Major War Ahead: Prepare now!

Iran ramps up ballistic missile production, Hezbollah intensifies missile attacks on Israel, and the IDF destroys major tunnels in Gaza. Israel faces growing internal political turmoil and international backlash over new housing plans in Judea and Samaria.

This week's VFI News from Israel covers satellite images revealing Iran's expanding missile facilities, Hezbollah's precision drone threats, and ongoing IDF operations in Gaza and northern Israel.

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Noa and Nir Baranes Named As Victims of Hezbollah Attack

Noa and Nir Baranes, a couple from Kibbutz Ortal and parents of three children, were murdered on Tuesday, July 9, by a Hezbollah rocket that hit their car as it traveled near the Nafah junction in the Golan.

Noa and Nir are survived by three children, ages 13, 16 and 18. Nir headed the poultry farm and Noa was secretary of the orchards unit. They were both rescued from their vehicle in critical condition, but the medics confirmed them both dead at the scene.

Thus far, 28 Israelis have been killed by Hezbollah fire since the start of the war, among them 11 civilians and 17 soldiers.

Kibbutz Ortal, where the couple and their children lived, announced: “Kibbutz Ortal mourns our two members, Noa and Nir Baranes who were killed by a direct hit on their car. Noa and Nir were central and beloved members of Ortal. They came to Ortal in 2012. The Ortal community is strong and close-knit. We support the family and will help them cope with the situation.”

A resident from Ortal also said: “A few days ago I wrote about my house burning down. Today my heart is burning. Noa and Nir are two amazing people who were killed on their way home, parents of 3 heroic children, whom I counseled over the years. My heart is broken and security is non-existent. We must save the north.” (INN / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we pray for the children of Noa and Nir Baranes who have been left orphaned, without a parental figure to navigate this incredibly difficult period of their lives. We know that You are always close to the ones who need You, close to the widows and the orphans and we pray for Your comforting hand to embrace these children and help them overcome their grief in time. We pray in Yeshua’s name that You will provide for all their material and emotional needs and that You will strengthen the community of Kibbutz Ortal so that they can also support one another.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Nasrallah: 'Hezbollah Will Keep Fighting Until It Reaches Its Goals'

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah says his organization will continue to assist the Palestinian Arab terror organizations led by Hamas to reach their goals.

In an address delivered in Beirut, Nasrallah stated: “The resistance in Lebanon (Hezbollah) continues in the journey it started on October 8th with al-Aqsa Flood (the Arab name for the attack on Israel) so it could reach the goal desired by all fronts and there is no option to back down from it.”

According to Nasrallah the military assistance by groups in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq, and the diplomatic assistance by Syria and Iran are “the happy picture” in contrast to the “sad picture” of the Arab and Islamic world’s stance on Gaza.

Nasrallah further stated that what is important is not the majority opinion, but rather the truth, whether it’s with the majority or the minority. “The occupation military is a military without morals and the truth about it is beginning to come out. For weeks no aid has entered Gaza which is suffering a threat of famine, plague, and illness. Can we continue with this reality in Gaza?” he pondered facetiously.

“We believe that we are doing our duty, every day we accompany martyrs, we are proud of them, and the best of our brothers are martyred and our leaders are martyrs,” Nasrallah added and also posed a question to Muslims around the world: “What are the Muslims spending their money on that two million Muslims in Gaza are dying of starvation, and why are they collecting tanks, planes, and powerful capabilities?” (INN / VFI News)

“Lord, even though the situation with the various enemies surrounding us seems dire, we trust that You will deliver us and that You will bring long-lasting peace according to Your perfect Will. You are always there for Your children and You never forsake us. We thank You for Your constant presence and provisions and we ask in Yeshua’s name that You keep protecting us from those who wish to harm us. We pray for peace and the cessation of all hostilities. We also pray for the civilians in Gaza who do not support the terror groups and are faced with extremely harsh conditions because of their corrupt leadership. We pray that their needs will be met and that a cessation of the war will relieve them as well and enable them to rebuild their lives in peace.”

Dramatic Footage Shows Israel Destroying 4 Miles of Gaza Terror Tunnels, Including Islamic Jihad 'Flagship' Route

The IDF demolished six terror tunnels spanning nearly 4 miles underneath Gaza City on Tuesday, July 9, including one that served as the “flagship” tunnel for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad extremist group, officials said.

The Israeli military detonated the vast tunnel network in the Shejaiya neighborhood, dismantling a large portion of the underground network used by Hamas and other terror groups in northern Gaza — including several booby-trapped buildings, officials said.

The operation also saw Israeli troops take out more than 150 Hamas fighters hiding in and around the tunnels, with intelligence officers also locating a trove of documents and weapons. “In some of the branches, terrorist hideouts and command and control centers were located. In one of the tunnels, weapons and intelligence documents were located,” the Israeli military said.

One of the branching tunnels the IDF’s 98th Division troops found was operated by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a Hamas ally that also helped carry out the October 7 massacre. The Islamic Jihad tunnel was described as the group’s “flagship” tunnel in Gaza City, spanning about 1.5 miles in length. It was also used by the terror group as a command base, military officials told Israeli media.

Other branching tunnels were located in the heart of the Shejaiya neighborhood, with at least two reaching close to the Israeli border just across from Nahal Oz, one of the kibbutzim decimated on October 7, the Israeli military said. Despite their proximity to Israel, officials don’t believe those tunnels were used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad during the terrorist attack. (NYP / VFI News)

 “Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night. He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth; He saves them from the clutches of the powerful. So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth.” - Job 5:14-16

Senior Hamas Member Killed, 60% of Hamas Terrorists in Gaza Have Been Killed or Wounded

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit reported on Thursday, July 11, that forces in Gaza killed Hassan Abu Kuik, Head of Operational Security in Hamas’ Internal Security Forces in the Gaza Central Camps, and conducted a large raid on a UNRWA headquarters in the central part of the Strip.

“Hassan was a military operative, active in Hamas’ Emergency Bureau, and led numerous terror attacks against the State of Israel. In addition, the IDF eliminated the terrorist Naser Mehanna, a team commander in Hamas’ military intelligence,” the statement read.

The military added forces raided a UNRWA headquarters in which, “Troops located large quantities of weapons including explosive drones, grenades, explosive devices, snipers, mortar shells, rockets, and RPGs.”

Forces surrounded the compound with armor and conducted its raid after military intelligence indicated hundreds of Hamas terrorists and senior commanders were using the area to reorganize after troops withdrew last January.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Wednesday that 60% of Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip have been killed or wounded as a result of Israel’s operation in Gaza. “The action of the IDF that has so far led to the elimination of over 14,000 terrorists and the collapse of the military frameworks of Hamas is, in fact, the testimony of what I am saying - everything will be done in accordance with the law and in accordance with the operational need,” he said while speaking at the Knesset. (YNet/ VFI News)

 “Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?” - Ezekiel 18:23

WATCH: Parashat Chukat - Bible Teaching with Batya Segal

Join Batya for this week’s Parasha where she talks about the law given to Moses and the purification of sin. This week’s Parasha is from the book of Numbers 19:1 - 22:1.

Rescued Hostage Sues US Nonprofit that Employed His Captor

An Israeli hostage who was kidnapped on October 7 and rescued in an IDF raid in Gaza eight months later is suing an American non-profit organization that employed the man who held him captive, American media reported on Thursday, July 11.

Almog Meir Jan, who was one of four hostages rescued during Operation Arnon one month ago, filed a lawsuit this week against the People Media Project, which employed Abdullah Aljamal as a war correspondent on its news site.

Aljamal, who wrote for the site since 2019, held Almog and two other Israeli captives in his apartment after they had been kidnapped from the Nova music festival during the massacre of October 7.

Aljamal was killed during the raid in which the hostages he held were rescued. The lawsuit states, “It is indisputable that defendants provided Hamas operative Aljamal, whose connections to Hamas were publicly known, with a US-based and taxpayer-subsidized platform to publish Hamas propaganda and to pass the material off as independent journalism.”

It further states, “Moreover, the compensation defendants paid Hamas operative Aljamal for his propaganda directly enabled him to imprison the plaintiff in his home.” (INN / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for enabling the rescue of some of our hostages. We pray in Yeshua’s name for the return of all the remaining hostages and we ask that You take away their pain and sorrows, and heal them. We also pray that whoever operates a media outlet ensures the information broadcasted is independently collected and does not support violence or terrorism.”

'Iran Has All the Parts Ready - Now They Just Need to Be Assembled'

IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Amir Baram warned that Iran was closer than ever to obtaining nuclear arms, Israeli media reported on Wednesday, July 10.

“The nuclear situation in Iran is like a car with all the parts ready - now they just need to be assembled,” he told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee earlier this week.

“We must be able to fight on two fronts simultaneously and understand that these will be long wars. We might face repeated and direct confrontations with Iran.”

The discussion was initially intended to focus on the military draft law, but the major general raised several other security issues, adding, “Until now, the military has dealt with routine security questions, but today the discussion is centered on Israel’s existential questions.”

Baram’s unusual warning aligns with comments made by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant during his visit to the U.S. late last month, where he called on the American administration to fulfill its commitment to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. (YNet / VFI News)

Iranian Gov’t Agents Have Provided ‘Financial Support’ To Gaza Protesters, US Intel Chief Says

Iranian government agents have provided “financial support” to pro-Palestinian protesters across the U.S., the Biden administration’s top intelligence official said on Tuesday, July 9.

Iran is seeking to exploit such protests for its own purposes and is providing measures of support for the protesters, including funding, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Iran is becoming increasingly aggressive in their foreign influence efforts, seeking to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions, as we have seen them do in the past, including in prior election cycles,” Haines said.

“In recent weeks, Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza, using a playbook we’ve seen other actors use over the years. We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.”

Some protesters express their views “in good faith,” Haines said, but it “is also important to warn of foreign actors who seek to exploit our debate for their own purposes.” Protesters who are interacting or getting support from Iran may not be aware of it, according to Haines. (DC / VFI News)

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.” - Luke 6:27-29

Poll: 96% of Jews in 13 EU Countries Experience Antisemitism Daily

A survey conducted by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency of 8,000 self-identified Jews from thirteen EU countries: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden, as reported by Israeli media, found that 96 percent of respondents said they had encountered antisemitism in their daily lives even before the ongoing war in Gaza.

Agency director Sirpa Rautio says that Europe’s Jewish community is facing a “rising tide of antisemitism,” with the conflict in the Middle East “eroding” progress made in the fight against it and the surge in antisemitism jeopardizing the success of the EU’s first-ever strategy for combating the problem.

Some 37% of respondents said they were harassed over the past year with 4% saying they had experienced antisemitic physical attacks during that time, double the number recorded in 2018, the last time the agency held a survey.

Most respondents said they worry for their own (53%) and their family’s (60%) safety and security. A vast majority of Jews (80%) said they feel antisemitism has worsened in recent years. The most common “stereotypes” accused Jews of “holding power and control over finance, media, politics or economy.”

76% of respondents reported that they had hidden their Jewish identity “at least occasionally,” and 34% avoided Jewish events or sites “because they do not feel safe.” 74% of Jews felt that the Gaza conflict had affected their sense of security, the highest rate among the countries surveyed. (INN / VFI News)

“By Your hand save me from such people, Lord, from those of this world whose reward is in this life.” - Psalm 17:14a

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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