
VFI News Tues, May 2 — Enemies and Allies Forever Present | VFI News

Weekly News Update: Hezbollah, Iran, and Israel's Security

Stay up-to-date with the latest news in Israel. In this week's video, we cover Hezbollah's activities on the northern border, Israel's preparation for a possible strike from Iran, and Iran's continued efforts to destabilize the Middle East.

Don't miss out on the latest developments and their potential impact on Israel's security. Watch now.

National Security Advisor: If Iran's Uranium Enrichment Continues - Israel Will Act

National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi spoke to Israeli media on Friday, April 28, and stated that if Iran continues to advance its nuclear program, Israel will not wait.

"If the intolerable uranium enrichment continues - Israel will act," he said, adding, "Iran is in trouble, for several years it has been unable to respond to the blows it has been receiving from Israel. Zero practical success. It is practically isolated, and what has been happening lately is that Iran sees that Israel is encroaching on it, thanks to the promotions of relations with Morocco and the United Arab Emirates."

On the security policy of the previous government headed by Bennett and Lapid, Hanegbi claimed "It did not make any changes from the central line that Netanyahu led on the security issue: Against Iran, terrorism and a possible campaign against Hezbollah."

"There is increasing boldness and defiance in all the arenas around us with a feeling that the State of Israel is crumbling," he said, though he clarified that enemy countries are not expected to start a war against Israel due to the internal crisis in the country.

"The split in Israel is interpreted by our enemy as a weakness, we will make it clear to them that there is no such weakness. We estimate that the crisis may lead to actions that were not considered before, such as the attack in Megiddo that failed. All arenas are deterred by war, but there is a chance that the conflict will escalate if it appears that Israel is in distress," said Hanegbi. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we ask for protection against nuclear weapons. With Your help, we will strive to shield Israeli citizens from attacks and minimize the possibility of a nuclear war in the Middle East.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Iran's Foreign Minister: The Zionist Collapse Is Near

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Friday, April 28, visited Lebanon and met with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

"I received accurate situation assessments from Nasrallah and confirmation that the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance groups are in the best condition they have ever been," Amir-Abdollahian said at the end of their meeting, as quoted by Israeli media.

The Iranian minister also visited the Lebanese village of Maroun al-Ras, which is located near Lebanon’s border with Israel. "All positive developments in the region will lead to the collapse of the Zionist entity," he said in a speech given close to the border.

"The Zionists only understand power. We support the resistance and the fight against the Zionist enemy. Iran will stay with Lebanon even in difficult times," added Amir-Abdollahian.

The visit is the second time in three months that the Iranian Foreign Minister has visited Lebanon. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we pray that no malevolent plans against Israel will flourish. We trust that any and all entities, nations, and organizations that plot to harm the Israeli people will fail and receive justice for any terrorist acts they have already committed.”

Iran Seizes Ship in Gulf of Oman, US Navy Says

The U.S. Navy announced Thursday, April 27, that the Islamic Republic of Iran had seized a foreign vessel in the Gulf of Oman. The Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker Advantage Sweet was taken by Iranian forces after leaving Kuwait on its way to Houston, Texas.

"The oil tanker issued a distress call during the seizure," the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet said. "Iran's actions are contrary to international law and disruptive to regional security and stability." The statement added, "Iran should immediately release the oil tanker."

US Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) released a statement attributing the vessel's seizure to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy. "Iran's continued harassment of vessels and interference with navigational rights in regional waters are a threat to maritime security and the global economy."

"The Islamic Republic continues to prove that its terrorism and regional destabilization is not limited to land, air, or even international waters. Tehran’s threat to international shipping is almost as old as the Islamic Republic itself," Behnam Ben Taleblu, senior fellow and Iran expert at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told American media.

"Iran’s continued hostage-taking of oil tankers and harassment of other vessels blows a hole through the theory that greater Chinese involvement in the Persian Gulf might restrain the regime’s bad behavior," he added. (FN / VFI News)

“The Lord is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.” - Psalm 9:16

Countries Around the World Wish Israel Happy Independence Day

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry congratulated Israel on its 75th Independence Day as one of several nations to wish the Jewish state a happy birthday.

"Our nations have been paying an immense price for freedom," the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry tweeted. "We are ready to stand together in the face of our common challenges and threats. May the friendly land of [Israel] be filled with peace, joy & prosperity!"

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier shared a video on social media Tuesday, April 25, in honor of Israel's Independence Day. "The Declaration of Independence in 1948 gave the Jews in the Diaspora more than just a geographical homeland. It gave them a spiritual home. It gave them a promise of a better future – in freedom, justice, security, and peace."

Romanian Ambassador to Israel Radu Ioanid, who is also a noted Holocaust historian, also wished Israel a happy birthday on behalf of his country. "Romania was one of the first countries to recognize Israel in 1948, maintaining uninterrupted diplomatic relations ever since," Ioanid tweeted, adding that he was "Very proud of the human and cultural bond fostered by Romanian aliyah and its contribution to Israeli development."

"The strong ties between the UK and Israel over the past 75 years is a testament to the strength of our close and historic relationship," UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said in a statement. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for gifting us many friends that are willing to help us in times of need and share our happiness in times of joyful celebrations. We are especially grateful to be surrounded by allies that operate in critical regions of the world.”

WATCH: Bar & Bat Mitzvah for Terror Survivors | Vision for Israel

Families affected by hostilities face a lengthy and challenging road to rehabilitation, in addition to significant economic distress. Many lack the financial resources to go out for entertainment—much less plan a bar or bat mitzvah for their children. Over the past five years, we have partnered with the representative organization for victims of the hostilities in Israel, and have co-sponsored a special event just for children affected by terror—a bar & bat mitzvah celebration. Without a doubt, our generous donors have given these dear children and their families an experience that will be etched in their memory for many years to come.

Biden Proclaims May as Jewish American Heritage Month: We Must Put an End to Antisemitism

US President Joe Biden on Friday, April 28, issued a statement in which he proclaimed the month of May as Jewish American Heritage Month. “I call upon all Americans to learn more about the heritage and contributions of Jewish Americans and to observe this month with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies,” said Biden.

The statement also notes, “Jewish Americans continue to enrich every part of American life as educators and entrepreneurs, athletes and artists, scientists and entertainers, public officials and activists, labor and community leaders, diplomats and military service members, public health heroes, and more.”

“But there is also a dark side to the celebrated history of the Jewish people — a history marked by genocide, pogrom, and persecution — with a through line that continues in the record rise of antisemitism today.”

“It is our obligation to ensure that hate can have no safe harbor in America and to protect the sacred ideals enshrined in our Constitution: religious freedom, equality, dignity, and respect. That is the promise of America. I have made clear that I will not remain silent in the face of this antisemitic venom, vitriol, and violence.”

“At my direction, we are also developing the first national strategy to counter antisemitism that outlines comprehensive actions the Federal Government will undertake and that reflects input from over a thousand Jewish community stakeholders, faith and civil rights leaders, State and local officials, and more.”

“This Jewish American Heritage Month, let us join hands across faiths, races, and backgrounds to make clear that evil, hate, and antisemitism will not prevail.” Former President George W. Bush was the first to proclaim the month of May to be Jewish American Heritage Month on April 20, 2006. Since then, annual proclamations have been made by Presidents Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Biden. (INN / VFI News)

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” - Proverbs 17:17

Nearly Half of Democrats See Israel as Apartheid, Support BDS, New Poll Shows

Some 44% of Democrats believed that Israel is an apartheid state as compared to 20% of Republicans, according to a new survey published by the University of Maryland. The university released its Critical Issues Poll on Tuesday, April 25.

Some 13% of the respondents believed Israel was a flawed democracy. In this case, 16% of Democrats believed Israel was a flawed democracy as compared to 9% of Republicans. Some 7% described Israel as “a state with restricted minority rights.” 8% of Democrats believed this was true as compared to 4% of Republicans.

A similar percentage of Democrats (44%) believe Israel is an apartheid state as compared to Republicans (41%) who believe it is a “vibrant democracy”. A total of 94% of Democrat respondents believed that Israel is, at best, a flawed democracy. This compares to 67% of Republicans who believed that Israel is, at worst, a flawed democracy.

This partisan chasm is also apparent in the responses to, “What role do you want the United States to play in mediating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?” where 47% of Republicans felt the US should lean towards Israel as compared to 12% of Democrats. Some 25% of independents felt this to be the case. Some 2% of Republicans felt the US should lean towards Palestine, 6% of independents, and 14% of Democrats. Some 49% of Republicans felt the US should not favor either side, compared to 68% of independents and 72% of Democrats.

When asked about the anti-Israel Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement, a plurality expressed that they had no opinion. 65% of all respondents were either unfamiliar with the subject or had no opinion. When these respondents were excluded, 41% of Democrats supported BDS while only 7% of Republicans supported the boycott. Some 65% of Republicans opposed BDS while only 20% of Democrats opposed BDS. (I365N / VFI News)

2023 Sees Sharp Increase in Non-Jewish Immigration to Israel

The Central Bureau of Statistics' new publication reveals that Jews are now only 73.5% of the population, whereas Arabs are 21%.

Compared to last year's data, there was a significant decrease in both communities. In 2022 Jews were 73.9% of the population, and Arabs were 21.1% of the general population.

The "others", non-affiliated religiously, marked an increase and are now 5.5% of the population. On Independence Day last year, there were 478,000 people who were classified as "Others," whereas this year, they count for 534,000, an increase of 56,000 during the past year.

Dr. Yona Cherki from the Israeli Immigration Policy Center, which analyzed the CBS publication, stated: “The bulk of non-Jewish immigration to Israel is Aliyah, according to the Law of Return, which receives encouragement from the official Aliyah bodies, including the Nativ organization and the Jewish Agency. As long as elected officials do not act actively and determinedly to amend the Law of Return, the trend of shrinking the Jewish majority will only increase.”

Dr. Cherki added that there is an intensification of the phenomenon of non-Jewish immigration to Israel. "The public in Israel is sensitive to the issue of infiltrators and the issue of illegal residents, but it should be understood that the main cause of non-Jewish immigration to Israel is precisely the constitutional framework created by the Law of Return, which is why it is so urgent to amend the law." (INN /VFI News)

“But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’” - Genesis 32:12

Israeli Plastic Surgeons Perform Innovative Skin Cancer Treatment

An improved way to treat skin cancer with fewer side effects was carried out for the first time in Israel by plastic surgeons and oncologists at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center (SZMC).

The technique involves electrochemotherapy that combines the introduction of low-dose chemotherapy directly into the tumor or through the vein, along with damage to the cellular membrane of the tumor cells by an electric current delivered in a targeted manner to the tumor tissue.

This makes possible the selective introduction of chemotherapy into the tumor. The resulting synergistic effect, the team said, improves the effectiveness of the treatment and reduces the side effects. This treatment has shown effectiveness in clinical studies in the field and is used in Europe in about 200 different centers.

Dr. Yoav Gronovich, director of the plastic surgery department, and Prof. Nir Peled, director of the oncology unit, advocated bringing the treatment to SZMC. Dr. Ido Lisi, a senior doctor in Gronovitch’s department, learned the treatment in Italy, and in collaboration with Dr. Hadar Dressler, a senior oncologist, prepared the appropriate treatment protocol and performed the first treatments.

The treatment is intended for a wide variety of skin cancer tumors including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma with local cutaneous/subcutaneous recurrence, Kaposi’s sarcoma (caused by a virus called the human herpesvirus 8), breast cancer with local cutaneous/subcutaneous recurrence, a metastatic/spreading tumor in the liver or pancreas, metastatic bone tumor and more. (JPost/VFI News)

“The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” - Psalm 41:3

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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