
VFI News War Crimes: Hamas Used Mass Rape As a Weapon, Continues to Exploit Civilian Infrastructure

Unearthing Tragedy: Israeli Archaeologists Aid in Identifying October 7th Victims | VFI News Update

Delve into the heart-wrenching aftermath of the October 7th attack as Israeli archaeologists play a crucial role in identifying victims.

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Chilling Survivor Testimony: Hamas Terrorists Used Mass Rape As Weapon of War

The Hamas terrorists who massacred over 1,400 people in Israel and took more than 240 hostages on October 7 committed mass rape against their victims during the massacre, according to survivor testimony and interrogation of captured terrorists gathered by the Israel Police's special Lahav 433 unit.

According to the evidence, which was cleared for publication Wednesday, November 8, dozens of cases of sexual assault and sexual crimes by Hamas terrorists have been documented. One massacre survivor testified that she saw another woman being raped in front of her.

“I saw the Palestinians bending her down, raping her and simply passing her on to the next. She was alive when they raped her. She was on her feet and bleeding from her back. He pulled her hair. He shot her in the head while raping her, didn't even lift his pants. They cut her breast and played with it. They just carried around someone's head as if showing strength, walked with it like a bag,” said the survivor.

Multiple terrorists revealed during their interrogations that they had received permission and instruction to kill Jewish children because the children would become IDF soldiers when they grow up, as well as to abuse the corpses of their victims to sow fear in Israeli society.

So far, more than 700 testimonies have been collected from survivors of the massacre, as well as dozens of testimonies from ZAKA rescue and recovery personnel who evacuated bodies after the massacre. The latters’ testimonies detail the Hamas terrorists’ atrocities committed, including those of a sexual nature. Police officials said that “this is the largest investigation case since the founding of the state.”

The police have more than 50,000 videos from the terrorist attack and are using facial recognition software to identify which terrorists committed which specific crimes. The police also have hundreds of cell phones which belonged to terrorists from Gaza. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we pray that You comfort the families of all Israelis who were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists and that You bring peace to the women who endured and survived horrifying abuse at their hands. We pray that You will heal their external and internal wounds. May You protect all people from such indescribable dehumanizing acts of violence that attack the very essence of one’s soul. We ask that You help our forces find, arrest, and convict the terrorists who violated Israeli civilians so brutally and cowardly.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

Terrorists Reveal: This Is How Hamas Exploits Hospitals And Ambulances

The IDF and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) have released evidence that shows how the Hamas terrorist organization exploits ambulances, hospitals, clinics, mosques, and schools for terrorist purposes. The evidence also shows how Hamas uses ambulances to transfer weapons and terrorist operatives in the Gaza Strip.

In a recorded phone conversation revealed by the Military Intelligence Directorate, a Hamas terrorist operative can be heard telling a Gazan resident: “I can leave with any ambulance I want.”

In addition, the Shin Bet has released footage of interrogations of Hamas “Nukhba” terrorists who took part in the October 7th massacre, in which they describe: “Al-Qassam (Brigades) have their own ambulances, some of which are located on the military base. The appearance of the ambulances is similar to the civilian ambulances so that they will not arouse suspicion or be bombed by Israel.”

One of the terrorists adds: “During combat, the ambulances are used, among other things, to evacuate fighters – commanders and operatives. They also transport food, cargo, and weapons in them because that is the safest way to transport them.”

They explain how “most senior Hamas political and military officials are hiding in the hospitals, especially the Shifa Hospital. They take advantage of the hospitals so that they will not be bombed,” and how Hamas stores weapons and ammunition under schools.

In addition, IDF soldiers recently found rocket launch pits in a mosque and over 50 rockets ready to be launched into Israel from inside a youth movement compound in Northern Gaza. Also, in cooperation with soldiers of the Armored Corps, an underground tunnel shaft and a weapons warehouse were found near a university, containing chemical materials, RPGs, Claymore mines, and more. (INN / VFI News)

“Day and night they prowl about on its walls; malice and abuse are within it.” - Psalm 55:10

IDF Kills Hamas's Head of Weapons Production

The head of Hamas's Weapons and Industries Department, Mahsan Abu-Zina, was eliminated by the IDF in an airstrike in the Gaza Strip, the IDF and Shin Bet said on Wednesday, November 8.

Abu-Zina was one of the leaders in Hamas for producing weapons for the terrorist organization and specialized in the production of strategic ammunition and rockets. The weapons production leader is the latest in a series of senior Hamas members killed amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

Earlier, it was announced that overnight, an IAF fighter jet, directed by ISA and IDF intelligence, killed the Commander of Hamas’ Deir al-Balah Battalion in the Central Camps Brigade, Wael Asefa. Asefa, together with other commanders of the Central Camps Brigade, was responsible for sending Hamas “Nukhba” terrorists into Israeli territory during the barbaric massacre on October 7th.

Following the massacre, he planned additional terrorist attacks. Wael Asefa was imprisoned between 1992-1998 for his involvement in terrorist attacks against Israeli communities and has been involved in the incitement and promotion of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers for decades.

The IDF has also struck a terrorist cell that was planning to fire anti-tank missiles at Israeli forces, as well as another cell that was firing rockets toward Israel. (JPost / VFI News)

“When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” - Proverbs 10:25

Jewish Man Dies After Being Assaulted During Pro-Palestinian Arab Protest in Los Angeles

Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jewish man, died in Los Angeles after being assaulted by a pro-Palestinian Arab protester with a megaphone during demonstrations in the northern part of the city, Israeli media reported on Monday, November 6.

According to the report, Los Angeles law enforcement confirmed on Monday that the Jewish man died as a result of a head injury after the pro-Palestinian Arab protester attacked him with a megaphone.

Witnesses at the scene said a verbal altercation broke out between Kessler and a young protester when the protester struck the older man in the head with a megaphone he was holding.

Kessler fell to the ground, bleeding, and was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead, likely due to a brain hemorrhage. Israelis who were present at the scene told the Israeli news outlet that it was “a terrifying sight” and expressed shock that such an incident took place in their neighborhood.

The incident was filmed on the attacker's mobile device and has been seized by local police as evidence in their investigation into the incident. Police have not provided further details on the investigation and would not specify whether the suspect was arrested.

The incident comes amid a disturbing rise in antisemitism in the US; last Friday night, a Jewish student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst was assaulted during a Shabbat event in honor of the hundreds of Israelis taken hostage by Hamas in Gaza. In Florida, a man was charged with calling a Jewish organization and threatening to kill Jewish people, after he allegedly called the World Jewish Congress in New York City and left a threatening voicemail. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You would comfort the family of the Jewish man who is mourning his tragic loss. We offer our sincerest condolences to all of his loved ones and we pray that You will put an end to these hateful antisemitic attacks. We hope that there will be international outrage and condemnation of such crimes and that world leaders will take active steps to fight antisemitism in their countries.”

WATCH: The Kibbutz Be'eri Massacre | Babies Decapitated & Families Slaughtered in their Homes | VFI News

Witness the aftermath of the slaughter which took place on October 7th, 2023 in Kibbutz Be'eri — a small peace-loving kibbutz that was overrun by murderous barbaric Hamas terrorists. At least 130 innocent civilians were butchered in their homes, babies decapitated, and entire families burned alive. This is the face of evil.

Mainstream News Outlets Distance Themselves from Gaza Photographers Who Embedded with Hamas

Mainstream outlets are scrambling to distance themselves from Gaza-based photographers who were revealed to have embedded with Hamas terrorists as they committed atrocities against Israeli citizens on October 7.

A report from media watchdog Honest Reporting showed that photographers were with Hamas as it breached the border out of Gaza, and had a front-row view of its attacks — raising questions about how the photographers knew about the surprise attack and how they were quite at ease among the terrorists who were shooting every other civilian they found.

Later, photographs emerged of one of the photographers, Hassan Eslaiah, posing for selfies with the local Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, and being armed with a grenade as he traveled by motorcycle in the terrorist-controlled territory.

The Associated Press, Reuters, and CNN all insisted late Wednesday night, November 8, that they had no advance knowledge of the Hamas terrorist attack while indicating that they could not make the same guarantees for the photographers they work with. The New York Times has not responded to a request for comment.

The news agencies had posted intimate photos of the attacks, including of terrorists breaking into Kfar Aza where more than 50 civilians were killed and many others were taken hostage. Photographers were also on the scene when German-Israeli Shani Look was taken hostage, according to photographs.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi have demanded immediate explanations from the aforementioned media outlets, while former top diplomat Danny Danon said that the photographers who embedded with Hamas during the October 7 attack are complicit in terrorism. (DW / VFI News)

“God, we ask for transparency and objectivity in the international press regarding the Hamas unprecedented attack on October 7. We trust that justice will prevail and that anyone complicit in the vile terrorist attacks against unarmed Israeli civilians will be quickly arrested and face the punishment they deserve.”

Gaza Resident: 'The IDF Fired, But Not at Us'

A resident of the al-Shati refugee camp in northern Gaza was interviewed Monday, November 6, by a Qatar-owned news outlet in Salah al-Din and told how she escaped - under the auspices of the IDF's humanitarian corridor - to southern Gaza.

“There were announcements calling for evacuation and we wanted to leave … We walked, we were afraid, we raised our hands with our IDs, the IDF shot but not at us, we kept walking,” she said, implying that there were attempts to harm the escapees and the IDF thwarted them.

At the beginning of the week, the IDF published footage of how, while the IDF was opening a humanitarian route for the movement of Gaza residents to the south, Hamas terrorists attacked the forces involved in opening it.

Meanwhile, President Isaac Herzog said in a Monday interview: “Now, how do we behave according to International Humanitarian Law? We alert the citizens. Of course, we try to make it as safe as possible not to hurt civilians. And believe me, and I say it outright from the bottom of my heart, we care for every civilian in Gaza.”

“Gaza is an Iranian base filled with terror. Perhaps the outcome of this war will enable the Gazan people who deserve a decent good life to enjoy it under a different regime that will enable movement towards peace,” he added.

“It was Hamas who destroyed the water infrastructure of Gaza by shooting these missiles. Israel is supplying water. Israel is enabling humanitarian aid, despite the fact that not one detail came about the hostages who are there now in Gaza - 240 of them,” he stressed. (INN / VFI News)

With Antisemitism Surging, Jewish Americans Turn to Firearms for Protection and Immigration Rate to Israel Rises

Jewish Americans are taking drastic measures to protect themselves and their loved ones, with many turning to firearms for the first time amid an alarming surge in antisemitism nationwide.

Florida gun store owner David Kowalsky confirmed the growing number of Jews seeking to buy firearms and train with guns since many fear for their safety as war rages between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East.

Antisemitism has surged 388% according to the Anti-Defamation League, taking root across college campuses and even outside the White House gates. Further, according to the latest poll released by the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), a striking 70% of Jewish respondents expressed feeling less safe than they did just a few months before.

Meanwhile, Israel is bracing for a significant increase in Jewish immigration, or aliyah, in the coming year, according to Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer in a statement his ministry published on Tuesday, November 7.

There has been a striking rise in the number of people exploring the possibility of immigration to Israel, with a 149% increase in France and an 81% increase in North America, according to the minister. Sofer conveyed the country's readiness to face what he described as “a state of emergency” due to the rise in antisemitic events. (FN / VFI News)

“Many have become my enemies without cause; those who hate me without reason are numerous.” - Psalm 38:19

Tens of Thousands March for Israel in New York

Tens of thousands of the Jewish community in New York marched Monday night, November 6, towards Central Park in New York as a sign of solidarity with Israel, and participated in a rally commemorating thirty days since Hamas' massacre of the communities surrounding Gaza.

The event, which was called “New York Stands with Israel,” was organized by UJA-Federation of New York according to Israeli media. A massive number of protesters flooded the streets of the Big Apple, with some waving Israeli flags. The New York Police Department (NYPD) also had a presence at the rally.

Videos of the demonstrations show protesters chanting “Bring them home,” referring to the over 240 hostages that Hamas has kept captive in Gaza since October 7. Those hostages include dozens of children and more than 50 Thai workers, as well as several Americans.

The CEO of the New York UJA, Eric Goldstein, said during the rally: “This barbaric massacre shocked us all, but it also united us. We will never forget those who were burned alive, raped and brutally murdered, but there are already too many today who try to deny and dismiss. We will not allow this and we will not stop until the last of the hostages returns home.” In the last month, the New York UJA raised more than half a billion shekels for Israel.

The CEO of the UJA in Israel, Itzik Shmuli, added: “We are here to make sure that this terrible massacre will be remembered forever and to ensure that we will be strong and support anyone they try to harm ... In the last few weeks, we transferred approximately 130 million NIS, and this is only the beginning.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also attended the rally and announced that he would allocate a billion-dollar budget to fight hate crimes. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for gifting us generous allies who are willing to support us and take a public stance in favor of Israel. We are especially grateful for all the organizations, countries, and individuals who provide monetary and humanitarian support, both of which are essential for us during this critical time.”

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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