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Kfar Aza residents and People call on the release of Israelis held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza

Hamas: Approximately 50 Israeli Hostages Killed in Gaza

Israeli air strikes have killed approximately 50 Israeli hostages, Hamas's al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson, Abu Obaida, wrote on the terrorist group's Telegram channel on Thursday, October 26. On Wednesday, Israeli media reported that the IDF revealed Abu Obaida's true identity as Hudhayfah Kahlot.

“Al-Qassam Brigades estimates that the number of Zionist prisoners killed in the Gaza Strip as a result of Zionist bombing and massacres reached approximately 50 people,” the Telegram statement said.

The spokesperson did not give any further details and Israeli media have not been able to verify the numbers. Earlier this month, Hamas made a similar claim. One week after Hamas's deadly attack on southern Israel, the terrorist organization claimed that Israeli air strikes killed nine hostages, including four foreign nationals.

At the time, Hamas wrote on their Telegram channel that the captives were killed “because of the Zionist bombardment on the areas they were staying in.”

A subsequent Arabic report noted that those captives had been executed by Hamas. The report claimed that Hamas said the executions were revenge for Israeli bombings of Hamas military buildings. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, pray that You will avenge the death of the hostages who have been violently abducted by Hamas. We ask that You help their families learn the truth surrounding their deaths, that You comfort them, and that the terrorists will face the punishment they deserve. Please comfort all the people who are mourning their dead, heal the wounded, and protect and bring back the surviving hostages so they can return to their loved ones.”

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