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According to UN, Taliban Reliant on Illegal Drug Trafficking for Financing as Production Booms

As the Taliban secures its grip on Afghanistan, the United Nations is warning that the militant group is reliant on drug trafficking as one of its primary sources of financing, as opium poppy production has increased significantly.

In a June report to the Security Council, U.N. officials said the issue of production of poppy-based drugs and methamphetamine was "unaddressed" by the Afghan peace process.

"This remains the Taliban’s largest single source of income," the report says. "It also has a destabilizing and corrupting effect within Afghanistan and contributes significantly to the narcotics challenges facing the wider international community."

The report also found that there was a decline in narcotics seizures by the Afghan government in 2020, which was attributed in part to the gradual expansion of Taliban-controlled territory — where the militant group was reliant on it as one of its sources of funding.

"The primary sources of Taliban financing remain criminal activities, including drug trafficking and opium poppy production, extortion, kidnapping for ransom, mineral exploitation, and revenues from tax collection in areas under Taliban control or influence," the report says.

In the last months, the Taliban's reach has grown dramatically — with the militant group sweeping through the country in recent days ahead of the U.S. withdrawal on Aug. 31. It has led to chaos in Kabul as Americans and Afghan allies struggle to get on planes to flee the country.

The U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that taxes collected from drug farmers alone were estimated to be around $14.5 million, while another $46-98 million comes in from heroin manufacturing and trafficking. (FOX / VFI News)

“God, we ask that You protect Your children from the Taliban’s financial power, especially the Christians being persecuted in Afghanistan, for their faith in You.