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Russia Requests Closure of Jewish Agency for Israel

The Russian Justice Ministry has requested the liquidation of the Jewish Agency for Israel, a media outlet reported on Thursday afternoon, July 21. Senior sources in the Jewish Agency told The Jerusalem Post that nothing has changed since the last report on the Russian request to close down the organization's offices in Moscow — since the appeal that the agency has made to the court.

The Post has learned that there will be a court discussion on the case next week. Till then, the agency is trying to fight its case.

"The information you have is inaccurate," said Jewish Agency spokeswoman Hagit Halali. "A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for next Thursday on the matter and this is the continuation of the legal proceedings. As we have said so far, we will not respond during the legal process."

"The decision of the Justice Ministry to close the Agency hasn't changed. The Agency went on appeal to extend the time it has in order to save its operations in Russia," said a source close to the Agency. (JPost/VFI News)

“God, we ask that you protect the organizations that try to help and alleviate us in times of need .”