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One Quarter of Hiring Managers Less Likely to Hire Jews, Poll Finds

A new survey found that one in 4 hiring managers discriminate against Jewish applicants, according to an American job recruitment firm. The top reason listed in the ResumeBuilder survey is the anti-Semitic trope that Jews have too much “power and control.”

The survey also found that 1 out of 6 hiring managers said that executives instructed them not to hire Jewish employees. One-third of those surveyed agreed that anti-Semitism was commonplace at their company, with 29 percent agreeing that anti-Semitism was “acceptable” where they worked.

Industries where higher levels of anti-Semitism were reported included finance and technology. The survey asked 1,131 hiring managers and recruiters for their answers about anti-Semitism.

“Anti-Semitism in the workplace starts at the hiring process with individuals who do not want to hire Jews because of bigoted stereotypes, but that is not where it ends,” executive recruiter Stacie Haller told in a statement by the firm, detailing the results of the survey.

“In this era of fighting for equality in hiring, Jewish individuals have largely been left out of the conversation, and the issue of anti-Semitism has for the most part gone unaddressed,” Haller added. (INN / VFI News)

“God, we ask that you help us fight anti-Semitism along with trusted allies, so that Jewish people are not discriminated against, but receive equal chances in furthering their career.”