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Under Heavy Security, Over 50,000 March in New York City’s Annual Israel Day Parade

Under hefty security, over 50,000 people marched Sunday afternoon, June 2, in New York City’s annual Israel Day Parade, this year focusing on solidarity with the hostages.

The parade, taking place between 57th and 74th streets along Fifth Avenue, featured numerous Jewish organizations, government representatives, members of the Knesset, U.S. Congress members and New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

Leading the march were over 70 family members of hostages from various nationalities, joined by more than 2,000 supporters from the New York branch of the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, wearing shirts with the slogan “Bring them home now.”

This is the largest group ever to participate in the parade. The parade has been held for 59 years, usually under the theme “Celebrate Israel.” However, this year’s event has a more subdued atmosphere.

The event, organized by the Israeli Day Committee, is one of the most significant occasions in the Israeli-American community in New York, celebrating Israeli culture, history and heritage.

This year, the parade was led by businessman Harley Lippman, named the “Grand Marshal” by the committee for his extensive efforts on behalf of Israel over the past year. His contributions span advocacy, diplomacy, and philanthropy, including substantial funding for the annual parade. (YNet / VFI News)

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” - Isaiah 61:1