Who Will Reap What They Sow? Labor Crisis Puts Israeli Agriculture in Peril
The Jewish people are truly incredible. After October 7th, a direct rocket impact from Hamas destroyed the expensive infrastructure of the Yshuot Chalutza farm, and the invaluable Thai workers left the country. 97% of the crops on the farm rotted away for the week that everyone evacuated from the area, but there was no one there to remove the deceased vegetables.
After the first week, hardy, brave men and women from all over the country dropped everything and came to help the farmers. Dentists, opticians, professors, and accountants converged upon the farm every day to remove the ruined vegetables and plant new ones.
It warmed the hearts of the farmers that the people of the Land hadn’t forgotten about them. Every day, an assortment of teenagers, adults, men, and women, from all across the spectrum of Jews and non-Jews alike labored in the fields, doing work they never dreamed they would do to help the land prosper.
Although untrained, they helped the farmers every day without fail. But now it’s time to harvest the vegetables and there are no more volunteers at the farm. The resilient people of Israel are waiting for the vegetables that will prove to themselves and the world that no matter how much they try to destroy us, we will prevail.
Summer is arriving along with promise and hope for a better future. But until the farmers at Yshuot Chalutza farm receive enough funds to replace the expensive infrastructure destroyed in the shelling, they urgently need some machinery so they can harvest their vegetables. Their new mission now is to raise the funds needed to purchase practical equipment and machinery. (INN / VFI News)
“If any of your fellow Israelites become poor and are unable to support themselves among you, help them as you would a foreigner and stranger, so they can continue to live among you.” - Leviticus 25:35
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