Before and After: Photos Show Destruction of US $320M Gaza Pier
American media has obtained satellite images showing the now-destroyed temporary pier the U.S. military installed on the coast of Gaza earlier this month.
The $320 million structure lasted roughly a week before choppy weather battered it apart. President Biden’s administration says it is working to repair the pier, but they offered no timeline for completion. The pier had been used as a conduit for delivering aid to Gaza.
The images show that less than a third of the pier remains intact, and there is no sign of the remnants of the deeper sections of the structure. The U.S. announced that it was forced to suspend deliveries of aid to the pier on Tuesday, May 28, though much of the damage occurred prior to then.
Four vessels that had stabilized the pier broke off due to choppy waters earlier this week, leading to the deterioration. Of the four stabilizing vessels that detached, two of the boats floated northward and landed on a beach in Ashdod, Israel, while the two others remain anchored at the beach near the pier.
While the pier has been used to transfer roughly 569 metric tons of aid into Gaza, none of that aid had been delivered to Palestinians as of last week, the Pentagon confirmed. (FN / VFI News)
“You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; You encourage them, and You listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.” - Proverbs 10:17-18