
VFI News Iran’s Enriched Uranium Stockpile Is 30x Bigger than Obama Nuclear Deal; Hostages Are Being Starved Say Former Hostages

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UN Nuclear Watchdog Says Iran Expanding Stockpile of Near-Weapons Grade Uranium

Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels, a confidential report by the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog said on Monday, May 27. Iran’s stockpile has now reached 30 times the limit Tehran accepted in former President Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal.

The report said that Iran currently has 142.1 kilograms (313.2 pounds) of uranium enriched up to 60% — an increase of 20.6 kilograms (45.4 pounds) since the last report in February. Uranium enriched at 60% purity is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%.

According to the report, Iran’s overall stockpile of enriched uranium stands at 6201.3 kilograms (13671.5 pounds), which represents an increase of 675.8 kilograms (1489.8 pounds) since the last report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

In its current report, the IAEA also said Tehran has not reconsidered the agency’s September 2023 decision of barring the most experienced nuclear inspectors from monitoring its nuclear program, but added that it expected Iran “to do so in the context of the ongoing consultations between the Agency and Iran.”

The IAEA also said that the deaths of Iran’s president and foreign minister in a helicopter crash last week have caused a pause in the UN nuclear watchdog’s talks with Tehran over improving cooperation. (TOI / VFI News)

“Lord, we pray that Iran becomes governed by sensible leaders who will not continue the nuclear plans of its former leadership. We pray in Yeshua’s name that Iran will not enrich its uranium further, but that it will seek peace with its neighbors and will be predominantly invested in the welfare of its citizens. May You prevent a nuclear war in our region and protect us for the days to come.”

The articles included in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Vision for Israel. We try to provide accurate reporting on news pertinent to Israel, the Middle East, the diaspora, and Jewish issues around the world—and we hope that you find it both informative and useful for intercessory prayer.

A Couple of Dates and Half a Pita: Hostages Are Being Starved, Their Health May Be Irreversibly Harmed

History has taught us often about the harsh conditions suffered by prisoners of war, but nothing compares to the nightmare endured by the Israeli hostages held in Gaza for nearly 8 months, under extremely difficult conditions. The amount of food they were given and the daily caloric intake, was akin to extreme starvation equal to that of Jews during the Holocaust.

Thus far there have been two groups released, one of women and children who were held for approximately 50 days and the second of older men who were freed in an IDF operation after 129 days in captivity. We can say definitively that the longer hostages are being held, the worse their condition.

What we have learned is that food was provided twice daily at different times, sometimes in the morning and evening hours and, in other cases, the first meal was given only in the afternoon. Meals consisted of rice, half a pita and some preserved cheese.

Some hostages were given vegetables early on, but as the war progressed, the amount of food was reduced. Some said they had been reduced to licking their plates in hunger. Women who were held in groups with young men described how they were physically abused and often given no more than two dates for breakfast and half a pita for dinner.

Under normal circumstances, women should not eat less than 1,200 calories a day, while men must have at least 1,500 calories. Less than that can cause hormonal damage, as was seen in the testimony of some of the women who said their menstruation stopped during their captivity. Their daily intake was 300 calories and 10 grams of protein a day and there were cases of punishment when food that was not consumed was given again on the next day or alternatively no food was given at all. (YNet / VFI News)

“Our Heavenly Father, we pray in Yeshua’s name for the hostages who are still held by Hamas and we ask that You please ensure that their nutritional needs are met daily. We pray for the former hostages who have been released and still suffer from physical disorders and emotional wounds, and we hope that You will hold them in Your arms and heal them. May You mediate the immediate release of all remaining hostages and help them rebuild their lives in time.”

Airstrike on Hamas Terror Leaders Was Kilometer from Rafah Refugee Camps, IDF Says

The initial investigation of the precision airstrike in northern Rafah on Monday, May 27, has not definitively identified the cause of the fatal fire, in which dozens of displaced Gazans were killed.

The Southern Command submitted to IDF Chief of Staff Major General Herzi Halevi on Monday night the findings of the initial investigation of the incident in which two senior officers from the Judea and Samaria Hamas headquarters, who were in the town of Tel al-Sultan near Rafah, were killed in an Israeli Air Force attack.

Halevi requested additional information and data, and the investigation is expected to continue, but from the initial findings that the IDF is now also presenting to the foreign media, it appears that the point of the attack was defined as an area from which Hamas carried out terrorist operations; Some 47 meters from the point of attack there was a Hamas rocket launcher, and a kilometer separated the safe zone that the IDF had set up for the displaced and the point of attack.

It also appears that the two men who were eliminated were inside a closed complex and not in the nearby internally displaced persons camp being used by civilians.

In the attack, the Air Force used weapons that have been used hundreds of times in recent months - two small missiles launched from fighter jets, each carrying 17 kilograms of explosives in its warhead. The warhead was small to prevent civilian casualties.

The army says that these munitions were not meant to set fire to the refugee tent complex. “We have a suspicion, following intelligence surveillance and analysis of the videos from the event that were distributed on social networks, that secondary explosions at the site were caused by Hamas ammunition storage. This suspicion is under investigation,” the IDF said in a statement. (YNet / VFI News)

“God, we pray that the truth will be revealed in regards to the devastating loss of dozens of Gazans’ lives on Monday. We send our heartfelt condolences to their families, we pray that the investigative forces will impartially declare what resulted in the tragedy and we hope that Israel’s name will be cleared. May You guide our forces into preventing any and all loss of human lives and may You bring about the surrender or capture of the terrorists. In Yeshua’s name we pray.”

IDF: Hamas Stole Millions of Shekels from Gaza Banks

IDF Arabic spokesman Lt.-Col. Avichay Adraee revealed on Wednesday, May 29, a Hamas document, which shows how the organization planned to rob bank safes in Gaza. A month later, hundreds of millions of shekels were allegedly stolen from bank branches in the Gaza Strip by Hamas.

“We are revealing a document written by a senior Hamas official, which shows that following Hamas’s financial hardships during the war, the organization’s terrorists broke into Bank of Palestine branches in Gaza and stole over NIS 400 million,” Adraee said in a video posted on his X account.

“In early February, Hamas thugs threatened the Bank of Palestine staff in the Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City not to take the cash out of the bank’s safes, and on April 16, they stole hundreds of millions of shekels from the branch. Two days later, they broke into another branch in Gaza City and stole tens of millions of shekels. On April 19, the terrorists committed another robbery at the main branch of the bank in Gaza City, stealing hundreds of millions of shekels,” Adraee continued.

“What will the residents of Gaza say, who are poorer day by day because of the bloody adventures of these child-killing tyrants? Hamas steals from the citizens of the Gaza Strip for the sake of its survival without any shame, and finances its terrorist activities on the backs and pockets of the residents of the Gaza Strip,” the IDF spokesman concluded.

The IDF also recently revealed that it has located and destroyed a 1.5-kilometer long tunnel route in eastern Rafah containing dozens of antitank missiles and weapons. (JPost / VFI News)

“The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live.” - Proverbs 15:27

WATCH: Life-Saving Emergency Equipment Donated to Emergency Teams in the South

Following the events of October 7th, Vision for Israel immediately connected with emergency response teams in the Eshkol Regional Council. Thanks to generous donations, we were able to provide vital supplies including defibrillators, radio devices, and scanning flashlights for 32 teams. The total value of these donations amounted to 500,000 Shekels. On January 17th, we had the honor of personally delivering this equipment to the security chiefs in the 32 settlements of the Eshkol Region. Despite the tragedy of losing nine security officers in the October 7th massacre, our commitment remained unwavering. Many of the officers remembered Barry, our dedicated donor, who tirelessly ensured the safety of residents in shelters. Their gratitude echoed in the testimonies of hundreds of lives saved. Each emergency response team received a kit comprising 1 defibrillator, 3 radio devices, and 3 scanning lights. We extend heartfelt appreciation to our generous donors and the dedicated VFI team members who made this initiative possible. Vision for Israel remains steadfast in our commitment to support the southern settlements throughout and beyond this conflict. We came to uplift them, and in turn, we found strength in their resilience. Together, we continue to build hope and restoration.

Before and After: Photos Show Destruction of US $320M Gaza Pier

American media has obtained satellite images showing the now-destroyed temporary pier the U.S. military installed on the coast of Gaza earlier this month.

The $320 million structure lasted roughly a week before choppy weather battered it apart. President Biden’s administration says it is working to repair the pier, but they offered no timeline for completion. The pier had been used as a conduit for delivering aid to Gaza.

The images show that less than a third of the pier remains intact, and there is no sign of the remnants of the deeper sections of the structure. The U.S. announced that it was forced to suspend deliveries of aid to the pier on Tuesday, May 28, though much of the damage occurred prior to then.

Four vessels that had stabilized the pier broke off due to choppy waters earlier this week, leading to the deterioration. Of the four stabilizing vessels that detached, two of the boats floated northward and landed on a beach in Ashdod, Israel, while the two others remain anchored at the beach near the pier.

While the pier has been used to transfer roughly 569 metric tons of aid into Gaza, none of that aid had been delivered to Palestinians as of last week, the Pentagon confirmed. (FN / VFI News)

“You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; You encourage them, and You listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror.” - Proverbs 10:17-18

Knesset Passes Preliminary Bill Designating UNRWA Terrorist Organization

A bill to designate UNRWA a terrorist organization, proposed by Israel Beytenu MK Yulia Malinovsky, passed a preliminary reading with a 42-6 majority in the Knesset on Wednesday, May 29. The same bill will abolish immunities and privileges for UNRWA employees.

If the bill passes the final reading, it will mean that the Anti-Terrorism Law will also apply to UNRWA. Israel will subsequently cease all ties with the agency, and the organization’s assets in Israeli territory will be closed. The abolition of privilege bill is formally called the “Bill to Abolish the Immunity and Privileges of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).”

The ruling comes in light of significant incriminating evidence pointing to UNRWA’s affiliation with, and complicity in, Hamas’ crimes. This includes the discovery of Hamas tunnels underneath UNRWA schools and findings that UNRWA employees collaborated with Hamas on October 7.

Meanwhile, the Israel Land Authority has informed UNRWA that it must vacate its East Jerusalem premises in Ma’alot Dafna within 30 days, following the approval of a demand from Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf to evict the UN agency for Palestinian refugees from any state land it is currently occupying.

In a letter to UNRWA, the ILA writes that it owes them a sum of NIS 27,125,280 ($7,326,711.19) for operating on land belonging to Israel without consent for the last seven years. Further, it instructs UNRWA that it is “required to immediately stop any illegal use, destroy everything you have built in violation of the law, vacate the land of any people or items and return it to the Authority within 30 days from the date of this letter.” (JPost / VFI News)

“Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” - Psalm 37:1-3

Nations’ Leaders Rise Against Israel

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa led a crowd in chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” over the weekend, leading to recriminations from the South African Jewish leaders.

Ramaphosa led the chant during a campaign rally in Soweto in an apparent unscripted moment. A call for Hamas to release the Israeli hostages it has held for nearly eight months was reportedly meant to be part of his speech but was omitted.

Further, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a speech on Wednesday, May 29, at a Justice and Development Party (AKP) group meeting in Ankara and attacked Israel and the US over the war in the Gaza Strip, calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a vampire.

“America, this blood is also on your hands. Heads of the states in Europe, you have become complicit in Israel’s vampirism because you remained silent,” Erdogan said. “No ideology sees the burning to death of innocent civilians in their tents as legitimate. The world is watching the barbarism of this vampire called Netanyahu live.”

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva also decided on Wednesday to recall the country’s ambassador to Israel amid tension between the two countries. Da Silva notified Ambassador Frederico Meyer that he would end his term as Brazilian Ambassador to Israel and would instead represent Brazil at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

In the past, the far-left President has accused Israel of genocide and compared the war in Gaza to the Holocaust. (INN / VFI News)

Perfectly Preserved, 2,300-Year-Old Gold Ring Found Under City of David Parking Lot

Archaeologists recently discovered a rare 2,300-year-old gold ring while excavating in the parking lot of the City of David in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) said on Monday, May 27.

The “exceedingly well-preserved” ring is set with a red garnet and given its small diameter, was likely made for a child, the IAA said. The ring, which “since its last use 2,300 years ago accumulated neither rust nor suffered other weatherings of time,” dates from the early Hellenistic era in Jerusalem, around the 3rd or 4th century BC.

The ring was manufactured by “hammering thin pre-cut gold leaves onto a metal ring base,” the statement said. During this period, gold jewelry with set stones, instead of decorated gold, became fashionable. Gold and other luxury items became more popular in the Hellenistic world after Alexander the Great’s conquests in the late 4th century BC, which eased transport and trade.

The ring is one of several early Hellenistic period ornaments recently found during the ongoing excavations at the Givati Parking Lot, undertaken by a joint Israel Antiquities Authority-Tel Aviv University team. The dig has also found buildings dating from the same period.

Scholars have usually assumed that Jerusalem at the time was a small, somewhat provincial town, but the new discoveries show “an entire neighborhood… The character of the buildings – and now of course, the gold finds and other discoveries display the city’s healthy economy and even its elite status. It certainly seems that the city’s residents were open to the widespread Hellenistic style and influences prevalent also in the eastern Mediterranean Basin,” said Prof. Yuval Gadot of Tel Aviv University. (TOI / VFI News)

The suggestions, opinions, and scripture references made by VFI News writers and editors are based on the best information received.

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