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Israeli security forces arrest an individual wanted for terrorist acts in Nablus in the West Bank

Israeli Forces Clash with Fire Bomber, Arrest 13 in Judea and Samaria Raids

Israeli forces exchanged fire with a fire bomber on Monday night, October 2, while raids extending into Tuesday morning ended with the arrest of 13 terrorist suspects throughout Judea and Samaria, the IDF said.

A terrorist threw a firebomb at a military post near Fawwar in the Hebron area. There were no casualties among the soldiers, who fired into the air as a warning and fired at the suspect.

On Tuesday morning, the Israel Police Counterterrorism Unit arrested a terrorist suspect in a raid on a Tulkarm cellphone store. The IDF, Shin Bet, and the Border Police detained four wanted suspects earlier, on Monday night in Nablus; Husan, near Bethlehem; and Seida, near Tulkarm.

Four more were arrested in Beit Kahil, near Hebron, where residents threw stones at the Israeli forces who responded with anti-riot measures. The other four terrorist suspects were arrested in Jalazone, near Ramallah; Ein Umm Ashrayit, and Kafr ’Aqab. Lastly, a terrorist suspect was arrested on Route 60 Monday night by troops who stopped him as he prepared to throw stones at passing vehicles.

Israeli forces also had to disperse clashes between Israeli and Palestinian civilians outside Jalud in northern Judea and Samaria on Monday night. The Israelis and Palestinians had thrown rocks and shot fireworks at each other. (JPost / VFI News)

“God, we thank You for protecting our soldiers, and for allowing them to perform their duties efficiently and constantly arrest terrorists. We pray that Israel will not be a breeding ground for terrorism in the future and we hope that all known terrorist organizations will be dismantled and their members will face justice for their crimes.”